Books Relating to Revivals in the Personal Library of Rev Robert Evans. Generally Alphabetical by Author's Name. Complete to January 1993. Copyright (c) 1993 by Rev Robert Evans. All Rights Reserved. * * * * * AARFLOT. A., Hans Neilsen Hauge. Minneapolis. Augsberg Press. 1979. (Photocopy of the copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) ADAIR. Patrick., A True Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. 1623 - 1670. with notes by W. D. Killen. (Includes a fragment by Andrew Stewart of "The History of the Church in Ireland since the Scots were Naturalised.") Belfast. C. Aitchison. 1866. AHN. Yong Choon., The Triumph of Pastor Son. London. Inter-Varsity Press. 1973. ALEXANDER. Archibald, The Log College. Biographical sketches of William Tennant and his students together with an account of the revivals under their ministries. London. Banner of Truth. 1968. Reprint of 1851 edition. ALEXANDER. Archibald., Thoughts on Religious Experience. London. Banner of Truth. 1967. First published 1844. ALEXANDER. H. C. and J. K. MACLEAN. Charles M. Alexander. A Romance of Song and Soul-winning. London. Marshall Bros. No Date. (probably around 1921) 3rd edition. ALLEN. E. L. Bishop Grundtvig: A Prophet of the North. London. James Clarke. No Date. Modern Christian Revolutionaries Series. ALLEN. William E. (editor) The '59 Revival in Ireland. Edited from various sources, including "The Year of Grace" by Rev. William Gibson. Belfast. Revival Publishing Co. No Date. ALLEN. William E. (editor) The History of Revivals of Religion. (very sketchy) Belfast. Revival Publishing Co. No Date. ALLINE. Henry., Selected Writings. edited by G.A.Rawlyk. (Sources of American Spirituality series. Mahwah, N.Y. Paulist Press. 1987. ALLISON. William Henry., Inventory of Unpublished Material for American Religious History in Protestant Church Archives and other Repositories. New York. Kraus Reprints. 1963. Reprint of 1910. ALTSCHULER, G. C., and SALTZGABER. J. M., Revivalism, Social Conscience and Community in the Burned-over District. - the Trial of Rhoda Bement. Ithaca. Cornell University Press. 1983. ANDERSON. Rev. J. R., Days in Kirkfield. (Text is the same as in "The Spirit of Grace and of Supplication.") Photocopy of outline only. (Copy in Evangelical Library.) London. Blackie and Son. No Date. ANDERSON. Rev. Jonathan Ranken., The Spirit of Grace and of Supplications. Sermons preached 1839-1840 during a season of revival in his church in Glasgow. Glasgow. A. E. Alexander. 1946. ANDREWS. Edward D. The People Called Shakers. A Search for the Perfect Society. Gloucester. Mass. Peter Smith. 1963. New Enlarged Edition. APPASAMY. Bishop A. J. Write the Vision. A Biography of Dr J. Edwin Orr. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1964. ARMSTRONG. Rev. Dan. Revival in Arnhem Land. Cassette of address recorded at Maclean Uniting Church, 5th August, 1979. ARMSTRONG. M. W. The Great Awakening in Nova Scotia. 1776-1809. Hartford. American Society of Church History. 1948. ARTHUR. William., Beginnings of a Great Revival. The Awakening in Ulster, Connor. London. Hamilton, Adams and Co. 1859. (Photocopy of the copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) Source: Miscellaneous Works. Wilberforce Period. Volume 11a. Number 44. ARTHUR. William., The Revival in Ballymena and Coleraine. London. Hamilton, Adams and Co. 1859. (Photocopy of the copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) Source: Miscellaneous Works. Wilberforce Period. Volume 11a. Number 46. ARTHUR. William., The Revival in Ulster: Ballymena and Ahoghill. London. Hamilton, Adams and Co. 1859. (Photocopy of the copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) Source: Miscellaneous Works. Wilberforce Period. Volume 11a. Number 45. ARTHUR. William., The Tongue of Fire. or The True Power of Christianity. London. Epworth Press. 1956. Centenary Edition. Abridged by J.H.J.Barker. ARTHUR. William., The Tongue of Fire. or The True Power of Christianity. London. W. Mullan. 1878. 26th edition. ASBURY. Bishop Francis., Journals and Letters. Three volumes. Nashville. Abingdon Press. 1958. AUNT SALLY. A Narrative of the Slave Life and Purchase of the Mother of the Rev. Isaac Williams of Detroit, Michigan. Michigan. Tyndale House. 1979. Reprint of 1858. AUSTIN. John S., Missionary Enterprise and Home Service. Sydney. Apparently published by the author. No date. (1912, or soon after.) BAILIE. Rev. Dr. W. D., The 1859 Revival. (Photocopy of magazine article) "Biblical Theology" Vol.8, No.3. May, 1958. Photocopy provided by Dr Bailie. Details of publication unknown. BAILIE. W. D., Presbyterian Worship in Ulster prior to the Introduction of the Westminster Directory of 1647. Belfast. Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland. 1987. BAILIE. W. D., The Six-Mile-Water Revival of 1625. Belfast. Presbyterian Historical Society. 1984. (1st pub. 1976.) BAINTON. Roland H., Christian Unity and Religion in New England. Collected Papers in Church History of Roland H. Bainton. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1965. BAINTON, Roland H., and GRITSCH. Eric W., Bibliography of the Continental Reformation - Materials Available in English. Hamden, Conn. Archon Books. 2nd edition, 1972. (1st. 1935.) BAKER. Ernest A., The Revivals of the Bible. Belfast. Ambassador Productions. 1989. DITTO. London. Kingsgate Press., and Capetown. T. Maskew Miller. 1905. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) BALLEINE. G. R. A History of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England. London. Church Book Room Press. 1951. Includes appendix to 1950. First published 1908. BANGS. Nathan., The History of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Volume One only, 1766-1792. New York. T. Mason and G. Lane. 1839. Third edition, revised and enlarged. BARBOUR. G. F. The Life of Alexander Whyte. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1923. BARDSLEY. Cyril C. B. Revival. The Need and the Possibilities. London. Longmans Green. 1916. BARING GOULD. Sabine, The Evangelical Revival. London. Methuen. 1920. BARNES. Gilbert H. The Anti-slavery Impulse. 1830-1844. New Introduction by W. G. McLoughlin (1964). Gloucester. Mass. Peter Smith. 1973. First published 1933. BARNES. Gilbert H. and Dwight L. DUMOND. (editors). Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld, Angelina Grimke Weld and Sarah Grimke. Gloucester. Mass. Peter Smith. 1965. Two volumes. BARNHART. Joe E., Jim and Tammy. Charismatic Intrigue inside PTL. Buffalo N.Y. Prometheus Books. 1988. BARTLEMAN. Frank., Another Wave Of Revival: The Keys To Revival. Springdale. Whitaker House. 1982. (A Revised Edition of "Another Wave Rolls In.") BARTLEMAN. Frank., Another Wave Rolls In. A revised and enlarged edition of "What Really Happened at Azusa Street." Monroeville. Pa. Whitaker Books. 1970. BARTLEMAN. Frank. Azusa Street. Complete text edition of "What Really Happened at Azusa Street." with an introduction by Vinson Synan. South Plainfield, N.J. Bridge Publ. Co. 1980. BASKERVILLE G. K. and G. L. PILKINGTON. The Gospel in Uganda. London. C.M.S. 1896. (Negative microfilm from the British Library.) BAXTER. Richard. Autobiography. being the "Reliquiae Baxterianae" abridged from the folio of 1696. London. Everyman edition. Dent. 1931. BEARDSLEY. Dr. F. G., History of American Revivals. N.Y. American Tract Society. 1904. BEARDSLEY. Dr. Frank G. A History of American Revivals. New York. American Tract Society. 1912. Third edition, revised and enlarged. (Photocopy of a copy in the Fuller Theological Seminary Library.) BEECHER. Lyman., Autobiography and Correspondence, etc., of Lyman Beecher D.D. edited by Charles Beecher. Two volumes. New York. Harper and Bros. 1864. BEECHER. Lyman., Letters of Dr Beecher and Mr Nettleton on the "New Measures". New York. G. and C. Cargill. 1828. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) BEECHER. Lyman., Lyman Beecher and the Reform of Society. Four Sermons. New York. Arno Press Reprint edition. 1972. BEECHER. William C., and S. SCOVILLE. A Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. New York. Charles L. Webster. 1888. BELDEN. Albert D. George Whitefield the Awakener. Nashville. Cokesbury Press. 1930. (Foreword by J. Ramsay McDonald, Prime Minister.) BELL. Marion L. Crusade in the City. Revivalism in Nineteenth Century Philadelphia. Lewisburg. Bucknell University Press. 1977. BENNETT. Richard., The Early Life of Howell Harris. London. Banner of Truth. 1962. Translated from the Welsh by Gomer M. Roberts. First published in Welsh under the title "The Dawn of Welsh Calvinistic Methodism." 1909. BENNETT. William W. The Great Revival in the Confederate Armies. Harrisonburg. Sprinkle Publications. 1976. Reproduction of the 1876 edition. BENSON. C. Irving., A Century of Victorian Methodism, Melbourne. Spectator Publishing Co. 1935. BENTLEY - TAYLOR. David., Java Saga. Christian Progress in Java. London. O.M.F. Books 1975. (First publ. 1967.) BENTLEY - TAYLOR. David., The Prisoner Leaps. London. Overseas Missionary Fellowship. 1961. BERGER. Peter., The Noise of Solemn Assemblies. Garden City. Doubleday and Co. 1961. BERK. Stephen., Calvinism Versus Democracy. Timothy Dwight and the Origins of American Evangelical Orthodoxy. Hamden, Conn. Archon Books. 1974. BIBLE CHRISTIAN MAGAZINE. 1850 - 1851. Bible Christian Book Committee. 1850, etc. (bound.) BICKERSTAFF. Mabel., Something Wonderful Happened. A little book about revivals for children. Llandudno. The Committee of the 1904-5 Memorial Fund. 1954. BILLINGTON. Ray A. The Protestant Crusade. 1800-1860. A Study of the Origins of American Nativism. Gloucester. Mass. Peter Smith. 1964. First published in 1938. BIRTWHISTLE. A., In His Armour. A Biography of Rev. John Hunt of Fiji. London. Cargate Press. 1954. BLACKBURN. Peter J., Reviving the Church: Counting the Cost. Brisbane. Published by the Author. 1984. BLAIR. John., Regeneration. (being chapter 6 from "Sermons and Esaays on the Tennants and their Contemporaries.") Printed by the Presbyterian Board of Publications. 1856. (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) BLAIR. William, and Bruce HUNT., The Korean Pentecost, and the Sufferings that Followed. London. Banner of Truth. 1977. Largely a reprint of "The Korea Pentecost", first published 1910. BLAMIRES. W. L. and John B. SMITH., The Early Story of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Victoria. Melbourne. Wesleyan Book Room. 1886. BLAUVELT. Martha Tomhave., Society, Religion and Revivalism. The Second Great Awakening in New Jersey. 1780-1830. Ph.D. thesis in History submitted to Princeton University. 1974. (Positive microfilm.) BOARDMAN. W. E., The Higher Christian Life. London. James Nisbet & Son. 1866. Sixth edition. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) BOGUE. Carl W., Jonathan Edwards and the Covenant of Grace. Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Mack Publishing Co. 1975.. BOLES. John B., The Great Revival. 1797-1805. The Origin of the Southern Evangelical Mind. Lexington. University of Kentucky Press. 1972. BOLES. John B., Religion in Antebellum Kentucky. Lexington. University of Kentucky Press. 1976. BOLTON. Barbara., Booth's Drum. The Salvation Army in Australia. 1880- 1980. Hodder and Stoughton.(Australia). 1980. BONAR. Andrew A., Diary and Life. Edited by Marjory Bonar. London. Banner of Truth. 1960. BONAR. Andrew A. Memoirs of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne. Including letters and messages. Chicago. Moody Press. 1956. BONAR. John. Revival - Its Source. (Consisting of some chapters from "Lectures on Revivals of Religion by Ministers of the Church of Scotland".) Covanenter Press. Box 48, Strathpine North. Australia. 4500. 1976. BOORSTIN. Daniel J., Democracy and its Discontents. Reflections on Everyday America. New York. Vintage Books. 1975. BOOTH. Catherine., Aggressive Christianity. Addresses. London. Partridge. 1880. BOURNE. F. W. Billy Bray, the King's Son. London. Epworth Press. 1952. BOURNE. F. W., Glory. (Billy Bray.) Exeter. Highway Publications. 1989. BOYD. Jeanette., The Arnhem Land Revival of 1979. Photocopy of a class paper obtained from staff at the History Dept., University of Wollongong, N.S.W. October, 1986. BRADLEY. Harold W. The American Frontier in Hawaii, The Pioneers - 1789 to 1843. Gloucester. Mass. Peter Smith. 1968. First published in 1942. BRADLEY. Ian C. The Call to Seriousness. The Evangelical Impact on the Victorians. New York. Macmillan. 1976. BRADLEY. Joshua., Accounts of Religious Revivals in Many Parts of the United States from 1815 - 1818. Wheaton. Richard Owen Roberts. 1980. (Reprint of the 1819 edition.) BRADLEY. Joshua., Accounts of Religious Revivals in Many Parts of the United States from 1815 - 1818. G. J. Loomis. 1819. (Photocopy of original copy in the Fuller Theological Seminary Library. One page missing.) BRADSTREET. Benjamin., Sermon on Godly Sorrow. Boston. Kneeland and Green. 1742. (Photocopy from a microcard copy at the Boston Public Library.) BREADY. J. Wesley., England Before and After Wesley. The Evangelical Revival and Social Reform. London. Hodder and Stoughton. Religious Book Club. 1939. BREADY. J. Wesley., This Freedom - Whence? New York. American Tract Society. 1942. BRIEF. A Brief Account of Revivals of Religion among Congregationalists and Baptists in a number of towns in the New England States and in Nova Scotia etc. Bristol. Biggs and Cottle. 1800. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) BROOKES. G. F. Spirit Movements in Timor. (Unpublished qualifying paper for the Melbourne College of Divinity.) Photocopy of the author's original paper. BROWN. Elijah P. The Real Billy Sunday. Dayton, Ohio. Otterbein Press. 1914. BROWN. Isaac P. Biography of the Rev. Robert Finley. Arno Press and the New York Times. 1969. (Reprint of 1856 edition.) BROWN. Thomas., Annals of the Disruption. 1843. Edinburgh. Macniven and Wallace. 1893. BRUCE. Dickson D., And They All Sang Hallelujah. Plain-folk Camp- meeting Religion, 1800-1845. Knoxville. University of Tennessee Press. 1974. BRUCKNER. Lee I., The Great Repentance on the Island of Nias. (Class paper from the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr.) 1975. BRYANT. David., Concert of Prayer. How christians can join together in concerts of prayer for spiritual awakening and world evangelization. Ventura, Cal. Regal Books. 1984 and 1988. BUCHANAN. J. The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit. Edinburgh. J. Johnstone. 1842. BULLE. Florence., "God Wants You Rich," and Other Enticing Doctrines. Bethany House Publishers. 1983. BUMSTED. John M., Henry Alline. 1748-1784. Canadian Biographical Studies. University of Toronto Press. 1971. BURGESS. Stanley M., and Gary B. McGEE. (eds.) Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Grand Rapids. Zondervan. 1988. Regency Reference Library. BURNS. Islay., Memoir of the Rev. William C. Burns. (5th edition.) Nisbet. 1870. BURNS. Dr. Rex F., Lessons from Australian Methodist History. Mount Hutton, N.S.W. Banner of Truth Conference. 1987. (Cassette.) BURNS. William C., Revival Sermons. edited by M. F. Barbour. Edinburgh. Banner of Truth. 1980. (First published in 1869.) BURR. Nelson R., A Critical Bibliography of Religion in America. Two volumes in five parts. (Being volume four of "Religion in American Life" series, edited by J. W. Smith and A. L. Jamison.) Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton University Press. 1961. BURTON. William F. P., The Story of a Congo Evangelist. Johannesburg. Burton's Publications. 1966. 2nd edition. BUSHMAN. Richard L. From Puritan to Yankee. Character and the Social Order in Connecticut: 1690-1765. Harvard University Press. 1980. First printed in 1967. BUSHMAN. Richard L., Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism. Urbana. University of Illinois Press. 1988. BUSHNELL. Horace., Christian Nurture. London. Thomas Nelson. 1861. BUTLER. Canon Bill., Hill Ablaze. (East African Revival.) London. Hodder Paperbacks. 1976. BUTLER. Jonathan M., Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling. Heaven and Hell in American Revivalism. (Chicago Studies in the History of American Religion.) Brooklyn, N.Y. Carlson Publ. Inc. 1991. CAIRNS. Earle E., An Endless Line of Splendour. Revivals and their leaders from the Great Awakening to the present. Wheaton. Tyndale House. 1986. CALDWELL. John E., A Tour Through Part of Virginia in the Summer of 1808. Richmond. Dietz Press. 1951. (Reproduction of the 1810 edition.) CAMPBELL. Arch., The Christ of the Korean Heart. Columbus, Ohio. Falco Publications. 1954. CAMPBELL. Duncan., God's Answer. Revival sermons, including also "The Story of the Lewis Awakening." Fort Washington. Christian Literature Crusade. 1960 and 1967. CAMPBELL. Duncan., The Price and Power of Revival. Lessons from the Hebrides Revival. Fort Washington. Christian Literature Crusade. 1962. New edition. CAMPBELL. Duncan., God's Standard. Challenging sermons. Fort Washington. Christian Literature Crusade. 1967. CAMPBELL. Murdoch., Gleanings of Highland Harvest. Glasgow. N. Adshead and Son. No Date. CANDLISH. R. Revival and the Means of Grace. Strathpine. Covenanter Press. 1977. (First published 1840.) CARLBERG. Gustav., China in Revival. Rock Island, Ill. Augustana Book Concern. 1936. (Photocopy of copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) CARRE. E. G. (editor)., Praying Hyde. London. Pickering and Inglis. No Date. Third Edition. Includes:- F.A.McGaw. "Praying Hyde." J. Pengwern Jones. "A Vessel unto Honour." R. McCheyne Paterson. "A Master Fisher For Souls." (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) CARRICK. John., Evangelicals and the Oxford Movement. Bridgend. Evangelical Press of Wales. 1984. CARSON. John T., God's River in Spate. The Story of the Religious Awakening of Ulster in 1859. Belfast. Presbyterian Church in Ireland. 1958. CARTWRIGHT. Peter., Autobiography of Peter Cartwright. 53 years as a pioneer preacher. Abingdon Press. 1956. Centennial Edition. CARWARDINE. Richard., Trans-atlantic Revivalism. Popular Evangelicalism in Britain and America. 1790 - 1865. Westport, Conn. Greenwood Press. 1978. CAUGHEY. Rev. James., Earnest Christianity Illustrated. or, Selections from the Journal. Boston. J. P. Magee. 1856. CAUGHEY. Rev. James., Revival Sermons and Addresses. London. R. D. Dickinson. 1891. CHAMBERS. T. F., Early Germans of New Jersey. Baltimore. Genealogical Publishing. 1982. First published 1895. Reprint of 1969. CHAPMAN. J. Wilbur., The Personal Touch. Edinburgh. Oliphants, Anderson and Ferrier. 1912. (Autographed.) CHARLES. Hubert H., Revival That Took Place on Palau Between 1955 and 1957. (Class paper from the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr.) 1975. CHARNOCK. Stephen., The New Birth, Works. Volume 3. London. Banner of Truth. 1986. (reprint of 1865 edition.) CHASE. S. J. W., Let It Come, O Lord. A Plea for Revival based upon the Hebrides occurrences. Madras. Evangelical Literature Service. No Date. CHENG. Elias N. G., Evangelical Awakening in Cameroon. (Class paper from the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr.) 1976. CHO. Paul Y., More Than Numbers. A book on Church Growth. Milton Keynes. Word Publ. 1984. CHO. Paul Y. Prayer: Key to Revival. Waco, Texas. Word Books. 1984. CHORLEY. E. Clowes., Men and Movements in the American Episcopal Church. N.Y. Scribners. 1946. CHOY. Leona., Andrew Murray. Apostle of Abiding Love. Fort Washington. Christian Literature Crusade. 1978. CHRIST IN THE ARMY. A Selection of Sketches of the Work of the U. S. Christan Commission, by various authors. Printed by the Ladies Christian Commission. 1865. (Negative Microfilm from the Library of Congress.) CHRISTENSEN. Anna., I Sent You to Reap. Experiences and Glimpses of Revival Years in China. Belfast. The Revival Movement. No Date. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) CHRISTIAN HISTORY. The Containing Accounts of the Revival and Propagation of Religion in Great Britain and America in 1743 (Volume One.) DITTO, for 1744. (Volume Two.) Boston. Printed by N. Kneeland and T. Green for Thomas Prince Jr. 1744 (Vol.1.) 1745 (Vol.2.) (Negative microfilm from the Library of Congress.) CHRISTIAN LIFE. Magazine. America's Great Revivals. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. No Date. (Reprint of Magazine articles.) CHURCH. Dr. Joe E. Awake, Uganda! The Story of Blazio Kigozi and his Vision of Revival. 2nd edition. 1957. (Photocopy of a copy in Moore College Library.) CHURCH. Dr. Joe E., Forgive Them. The Story of an African Martyr. Moody Press edition. 1967. CHURCH. Dr. J. E., Quest For the Highest. An autobiographical account of the East African Revival. Exeter. Paternoster Press. 1981. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) CHURCH. Leslie F., The Early Methodist People. London. Epworth Press. 1948. CHURCH. Leslie F., Knight of the Burning Heart. The Story of John Wesley. London. Epworth Press. Wyvern edition, 1959. (1st publ. 1938.) CHURCH. Leslie F., More About the Early Methodist People. London. Epworth Press. 1949. CLARK. Elmer T. (editor)., The Journal and Letters of Francis Asbury. Three Volumes. Abingdon. 1958. CLARK. Rufus D., Moody and Sankey in Great Britain. The Work of God in Great Britain under Messrs Moody and Sankey, 1873 to 1875.. With Biographical Sketches. London. Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle. 1875. CLEVELAND. Catherine C., The Great Revival in the West. 1797 to 1805. Gloucester, Mass. Peter Smith. 1959. (1st publ. 1916.) COALTER. M. J., Gilbert Tennant, Son of Thunder. New York. Greenwood Press. 1986. COAN. Mrs Lydia Bingham., Titus Coan. A Memorial. Chicago. Fleming H. Revell. 1884. (Photocopy of a copy in the University of Hawaii Library.) COAN. Titus., Letters of Titus Coan. 1836 to 1843. (Positive microfilm of originals owned by the New York Historical Society.) COAN. Titus., Life in Hawaii. An Autobiographical Sketch. 1835 to 1881. New York. A. D. P. Randolph. 1882. (Photocopy of a copy in the University of Hawaii Library.) COHEN, Daniel., The Spirit of the Lord: Revivalism in America. New York. Four Winds Press. 1975. COHN. Norman., Pursuit of the Millenium. New York. Oxford University Press. Revised and Enlarged edition. 1970. (First ed. 1957.) COKE. Thomas, and Henry MOORE. The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, Title page missing. No date or publisher. Author's Dedication dated 1st March, 1792. COLE. Charles C. Junior., The Social Ideas of the Northern Evangelists. 1826 to 1860. New York. Octagon Books. 1966. (1st published 1954.) COLEMAN. Robert E., Dry Bones Can Live Again. A study manual on revival in the local church. Old Tappan. Fleming H. Revell. 1969. COLEMAN. Robert Emerson., Factors in the Expansion of the Methodist Episcopal Church from 1784 to 1812. Doctoral thesis presented to the State University of Iowa. 1954. (Xerox copy.) Xerox University Microfilms. 1974. COLEMAN. Robert E. Introducing the Prayer Cell. Fort Lauderdale. Christian Outreach. 1972. (6th edition revised.) COLEMAN. Robert E. (editor)., One Divine Moment. The Asbury Revival of 1970. New York. Fleming H. Revell. 1970. COLTON. Rev. Calvin., The History and Character of American Revivals of Religion. New York. AMS Press. 1973. (First published 1832.) CONANT. William C., Narratives of Remarkable Conversions and Revival Incidents. Including a Review of Revivals from Pentecost to the 18th Century, and an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Great Awakening of 1857 - 1858. New York. Derby and Jackson. 1858. (Photocopy of a copy in the Fuller Seminary.) CONFORTI. J. A. Samuel Hopkins and the New Divinity Movement. Washington. Christian University Press. 1981. CONRAD. Arcturus Z., Boston's Awakening. A complete account of the Great Boston Revival under the leadership of J. Wilbur Chapman and Charles M. Alexander. January 26 to February 21, 1909. Boston. The King's Business Publishing Co. 1909. CONRAD. William., Revival and Latin American Evangelism. Oxford Reading and Research. 1983. (Cassette.) COOMES. David., The Flame Still Spreads. Guildford and London. Lutterworth Press. 1974. COTTERELL. F. Peter., Born at Midnight. (Ethiopia.) Chicago. Moody Press. 1973. COULTER. E. Merton., William G. Brownlow: Fighting Parson of the Southern Highlands. Knoxville. University of Tennessee Press. 1971. (Reprint of 1937 edition.) COUPER. William J., Scottish Revivals. Dundee. James P. Mathew. 1918. (Limited edition of 37 copies.) (Negative Microfilm from the National Library of Scotland.) COUSINS. Norman., In God We Trust. The religious beliefs and ideas of the American founding fathers. New York. Harpers and Brothers. 1958. COWING. Cedric B. The Great Awakening and the American Revolution. Colonial Thought in the 18th Century. Chicago. Rand McNally. 1971. CRAWFORD. Don., Miracles in Indonesia. Wheaton. Tyndale House. 1972. CRAWFORD. Mary K., The Shantung Revival. The North China Mission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Shanghai. China Baptist Publishing Society. 1933. (Photocopy of a copy in the Fuller Theological Seminary.) CROSS. Barbara., Horace Bushnell: Minister to a Changing America. (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1958. CROSS. Whitney R., The Burned-Over District. The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York. 1800 to 1850. New York. Harper Torchbooks. 1965. (1st published 1950.) CROSSMAN. Eileen., Mountain Rain. A Biography of James O. Fraser. Overseas Missionary Fellowship Books. 1982. CULPEPPER. C. L., The Shantung Revival. Evangelism Division. Baptist General Division of Texas. No Date. (Photocopy made from Dr. J. Edwin Orr's copy.) CUMING. G. J. and Derek BAKER., (editors). Popular Belief and Practice. Papers read at the 9th Summer Meeting,and the 10th Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society. Cambridge University Press. 1972. CUMMINGS. Rev. Asa., A Memoir of the Rev. Edward Payson. New York. American Tract Society. No Date. (abridged.) CUNINGHAM. Charles E., Timothy Dwight. 1752 - 1817. A Biography. New York. AMS Press. 1976. (Reprint of 1942 edition.) DITTO. Negative Microfilm from the Library of Congress. DALLIMORE. Arnold., A Heart Set Free. The Life of Charles Wesley. Evangelist, Hymn writer and Preacher. Welwyn, Herts. Evangelical Press. 1988. DALLIMORE. Arnold., Forerunner of the Charismatic Movement.: The Life of Edward Irving. Chicago. Moody Press. 1983. DALLIMORE. Arnold., George Whitefield. Volume One. The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th Century. London. Banner of Truth. 1970. DALLIMORE. Arnold., George Whitefield. Volume Two. The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th Century. London. Banner of Truth. 1980. DANIELS. W. H., Illustrated History of Methodism. New York. Phillips and Hunt. 1887. (Revised ed.) DAVENPORT. Frederick Morgan., Primitive Traits in Religious Revivals. A Study in Mental Evolution. New York. Macmillan. 1910. (Photocopy of a copy in Fuller Theological Seminary.) DAVIDSON. Robert., History of the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky. Greenwood, South Carolina. Attic Press. 1974. (A Reprint of the 1847 edition produced by Robert Carter of New York.) DAVIES. Canon E. T., Religion in the Industrial Revolution in South Wales. Pantyfedwen Lectures. Cardiff. University of Wales Press. 1965. DAVIES. R. E., I Will Pour Out My Spirit. A history and theology of revivals and evangelical awakenings. Tunbridge Wells. Monarch Publications. 1992. DAVIES. Samuel., Sermons on Important Subjects Volume two only of three volumes. (sermons 27 - 58.) Boston. Lincoln and Edmands. 1811. DAVIES. W. Watkin., Wales. Home University Library. London. Williams and Norgate. No Date. (Refers to events up to about 1890.) DAVIS. D. B., (editor.) Ante-Bellum Reform. New York. Harper and Row. 1967. (This copy was rejected from the Moffitt Library, University of California at Berkeley.) DAVIS. George T. B., When the Fire Fell. Philadelphia. The Million Testaments Campaign. 1945. (Chapters on various revivals- Ireland,1859. Wales,1904. etc.) DAVIS. Raymond T., Fire on the Mountain. The Story of a Miracle - The Church in Ethiopia. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 1966. DAWS. Gavan., Shoal of Time. A History of the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu. University Press of Hawaii. 1968. Days of Grace in Manchuria, A Remarkable Story of Revival and Conversion, during the times of Jonathan Goforth, with a brief sketch of the Life and Labours of William C. Burns, of Kilsyth, Scotland. (1847 - 1868) Kilmarnock. J. Ritchie. No Date. (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) DAYTON. Donald., Discovering an Evangelical Heritage. Peabody, Mass. Hendrickson Publ. 1988. (1st printed 1976.) DEANE. Rev. Arthur D., The Contributions of the New Evangelical Movements in the Late 19th Century to Evangelical Enterprise in Australia. 1870 to 1920. Master of Arts thesis, University of Sydney. 1983. (Photocopy.) DELANEY. Michael A., A Civil War in Zion. (Nettleton versus Finney.) Typescript class paper. Circulated privately by the author. DELATTRE. Roland Andre., Beauty and Sensibility in the Thought of Jonathan Edwards. An Essay in Aesthetics and Theological Ethics. New Haven. Yale University Press. 1968. DEYNEKA. Peter and Anita., Evangelical Awakenings in Russia. 1884 - 1917. Printed paper from the files of Dr J. Edwin Orr. Oxford Reading and Research. DICKER. Gordon., The Proclamation of the Gospel in Timor. A study of the Evangelical Church of Timor in relation to its historical antecedents. Duplicated manuscript. about 1960. DICKINSON. Jonathan., Regeneration. a sermon. Photocopy from an unpublished typescript version of "The Gospel Umbrella", edited by Richard Owen Roberts. DIETER. Melvin E., The Holiness Revival of the Nineteenth Century. Scarecrow Press. 1980. DIMOND. Sydney G., The Psychology of the Methodist Revival. An Empirical and Descriptive Study. London. Oxford University Press. 1926. DODDRIDGE. Philip., Practical Discourcs on Regeneration. Glasgow. William Collins. 1829. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) DODDS. Elizabeth D., Marriage to a Difficult Man. The Uncommon Union of Jonathan Edwards and Sarah Edwards. Philadelphia. Westminster Press. 1971. DOLAN. Jay E., Catholic Revivalism. The American Experience 1830 - 1900. Notre Dame. University of Notre Dame Press. 1978. This copy was rejected from the Moffitt Library, University of California at Berkeley. DONNAN. H. Stanley., Revival in Norway in the 1930's. Oxford Reading and Research. 1983. (cassette.) DORSETT. L.W., Billy Sunday and the Redemption of Urban America. Library of Religious Biography series. Grand Rapids. Eerdmans. 1991. DOUGLAS. William M., Andrew Murray and his Message. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Baker Books. 1981. DOW. Lorenzo., Complete Works. Fourth edition. Revised and Corrected. Washington. Ohio. Joshua Martin. 1848. DRUMMOND. Lewis A., Charles G. Finney and the Rise of Modern Evangelism. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1983. DRYSDALE. J. D., The Price of Revival. Birkenhead. H.E. Schul. 1946. DUMOND. Dwight L., The Anti-slavery Origins of the Civil War. Ann Arbor paperbacks. University of Michigan Press. 1959. (First published. 1939.) DWIGHT. Timothy., The Nature and Danger of Infidel Philosophy. in two discources. Dr. Dwight's sermons to the candidates for the Baccalaureate in Yale College, September 9, 1797. New Haven. Printed by G. Bunce. 1798. (negative microfilm made at the Library of Congress.) DWIGHT. Timothy, Sermons. Two Volumes. New Haven. Howe, Durrie and Peck. 1828. (second volume only.) DWIGHT. Timothy., Theology Explained and Defended in a Series of Sermons. (with a Memoir of the Author by Daniel Dewar.) One volume bound as two. Glasgow. Blackie and Son. 1837. DYER. Helen S. Pandita Ramabai. Photocopy of chapter 12 only, regarding the Mukti Revival. DYER. Helen S., Revival in India. Years of the Right Hand of the Most High. London. Morgan and Scott. 1907. (Photocopy of a copy in the University of Southern California at San Diego.) EATON. Clement., The Growth of Southern Civilization. 1790 - 1860. New York. Harpers. 1961. EATON. Clement., A History of the Old South. New York. Macmillan Co. 1949. This copy was rejected from the Lamont Library, Harvard University. EATON. Clement., (editor.) The Leaven of Democracy. The Growth of the Democratic Spirit in the Time of Jackson. New York. Braziller. 1963. ECKARDT. A. Roy., The Surge of Piety in America. New York. Association Press. 1958. EDMAN. V. Raymond., Finney Lives On. The Man, His Revival Methods, and His Message. New York. Revell. 1951. EDWARDS. Alfred G. (Bishop of Saint Asaph.) Landmarks in the History of the Welsh Church. London. John Murray. 1912. EDWARDS. Brian H., Revival. London. Evangelical Press. 1989. EDWARDS. Rev. Jonathan., Freedom of the Will. London. Thomas Nelson. 1845. EDWARDS. Jonathan., Jonathan Edwards on Revivals. Edinburgh. Banner of Truth. 1984. (contains the Narrative, Distinguishing Marks, and Account of the Revival in Northampton.) EDWARDS. Jonathan., The Religious Affections. London. Banner of Truth. 1986. EDWARDS. Jonathan., A Treatise Concerning the Religious Affections. London. Andrew Melrose. 1898. EDWARDS. Jonathan., The Works of Jonathan Edwards. In four volumes, reprint of the Worcester Edition. Leavitt, Trow and Co. 1844. With two supplementary volumes to the New York edition. Robert Ogle, Oliver and Boyd. Edinburgh. 1846. EGERTON. G., Flame For God. Distinctives of Revival. Belfast. Ambassador Productions. 1987. EIGHMY. J. L., Churches in Cultural Captivity. A History of the Social Attitudes of Southern Baptists. (first publ. 1972.) Knoxville. University of Tennessee Press. Revised 1987. ELLER. Paul H., Revivalism and the German Churches of Pennsylvania. 1793 - 1816. Ph.D. thesis. 1933. University of Chicago Library. (Microfilm.) ELLIS. William T., Billy Sunday. The Man and his Message. Chicago. Moody Press. 1959. ELLSWORTH. Roger., Come Down, Lord. London. Banner of Truth Trust. 1988. ENROTH. R. M., E. E. ERICKSON, and C. B. PETERS., The Story of the Jesus People - a Factual Survey. Exeter. The Paternoster Press. 1972. ETHERIDGE. J. W., The Life of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Coke. London. John Mason. 1860. EVANS. Eifion., Daniel Rowland and the Great Evangelical Awakening in Wales. Edinburgh. Banner of Truth. 1985. EVANS. Eifion., Revivals, Their Rise, Progress, and Achievements. The annual lecture of the Evangelical Library for 1960. London. Evangelical Library. 1960. EVANS. Eifion., The Welsh Revival of 1904. London. Evangelical Press. 1969. EVANS. Eifion., Two Welsh Revivalists. (Humphrey Jones and David Morgan.) Evangelical Library of Wales. 1985. EVANS Eifion., When He Is Come. An Accont of the 1858 - 1860 Revival in Wales. Bala. Evangelical Movement of Wales. 1959. EVANS. Eifion., When He Is Come. An Account of the 1858 - 1860 Revival in Wales. London. Evangelical Press. 1967. (Second Edition.) EVANS. W. Glyn., Profiles of Revival Leaders. (Edwards, Finney, Moody, Sunday and Graham.) Nashville. Broadman Press. 1976. EVERINGHAM. Keith D., Diary of a Moving of the Spirit of God. (Relates to revival in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.) (Duplicated copy. Privately circulated.) FAIRBAIRN. P., et al., Revival in Practice. Part of the lectures on revival by the ministers of the church of Scotland. Strathpine. Covenanter Press. 1978. FAIRCHILD. James H., Oberlin - The Colony and the College. 1833 to 1883. N.Y. Garland Publ. 1984. FARISH. H. D., The Circuit Rider Dismounts. A Social History of Southern Methodism. 1865 - 1900. New York. Da Capo Press. 1969. FAWCETT. Arthur., The Cambuslang Revival. The Scottish Evangelical Revival of the 18th Century. London. Banner of Truth. 1971. FEAR. John., Revival in the Seychelles Islands. Oxford Reading and Research. 1983. (cassette.) FERM. Robert L., Issues in American Protestantism. A Documentary History from the Puritans to the Present. N.Y. Doubleday. Anchor Books. 1969. FERM. Robert L., Jonathan Edwards the Younger. 1745 - 1801. Grand Rapids, Michigan. W. B. Eerdmans. 1976. FIELDS. Karen E., Revival and Rebellion in Colonial Central Africa. Social and Political Consequences of Missionary Enterprise. 1900 - 1925. (Malawi, Zambia.) Ph.D. thesis in Sociology. Brandeis University. 1976. (Positive microfilm.) FINDLAY. James F., Dwight L. Moody. American Evangelist. 1837 - 1899. University of Chicago Press. 1969. FINNEY. Charles G., Autobiography. Memoirs of the Rev. Charles G. Finney, Written by Himself. New York. Fleming H. Revell. 1876. FINNEY. Charles G., The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry. (First published in 1869.) Chicago. National Christian Association. 1948. FINNEY. Charles G., Finney on Revival. Parts of Finney's Lectures on Revivals, arranged by E. E. Shelhamer. London. Oliphants. 1954. FINNEY. Charles G., Finney's Lectures on Systematic Theology. Edited by J. H. Fairchild. Reprint of the 1878 revised edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan. W. B. Eerdmans. 1951. FINNEY. Charles G., Lectures to Professing Christians. Manchester. Thomas Jackson. 1847. FINNEY. Charles G., Memoirs. The Complete Restored Text. Annotated Critical edition. Garth M. Rosell and Richard Dupuis, editors. Grand Rapids. Academie Books (Zondervan). 1989. FINNEY. Charles G., Power From on High. A Selection of Articles on the Spirit-filled Life. London. Victory Press. 1944. FINNEY. Charles G., Reflections on Revival. compiled by Donald Dayton. This is apparently a full-text edition of Finney's Letters on Revival. Minneapolis. Bethany House Fellowship. 1979. FINNEY. Charles G. Revival Fire. Letters on Revival. This is a slightly edited version of Finney's Letters on Revival. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. No Date. FINNEY. Charles G. Revivals of Religion, Lectures on Revivals. New York. Fleming H. Revell. No Date. FISH. Henry Clay., Handbook of Revivals. Harrisonburg. Gano Books of Sprinkle Publ. 1988. (Reprint of the 1874 edition.) FISH. Henry Clay., Power in the Pulpit. London. Banner fo Truth. No Date. FISH. Henry Clay., Primitive Piety Revived. Premium Essay. The Aggressive Power of the Christian Church. Boston. Congregational Board of Publications. 1855. FITCHETT. W. H., Southern Cross. The Torrey - Alexander Souvenir. 1902. FITCHETT. W. H., Wesley and His Century. London. Smith, Elder and Co. 1906. FITT. A. P., The Shorter Life of Dwight L. Moody. Chicago. Moody Press. No Date. Colportage Library. No.83. FLETCHER. Lionel B., Conquering Evangelism. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1946. FLETCHER. Lionel B., Mighty Moments. London. Religious Tract Society. No Date. FLINT. Timothy., Recollections of the Last Ten Years in the Mississippi Valley, (Reprint of 1826 edition.) New York. Johnson Reprint Co. 1968. FOGARTY. R. S., American Utopianism. (Primary Sources in American History series.) Itasca. Ill. F. W. Peacock. 1972. FOORD. Dudley., Restoring Spiritual Health to your Church. Kensington. Saint Matthias' Press. FORD. Margaret., Janani. The Making of a Martyr. The Life and Death of Archbishop Janani Luwum of Uganda. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1978. FORMISANO. R. P., The Birth of Mass Political Parties. Michigan, 1827 - 1861. Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton University Press. 1971. FOSTER. F. H., The Modern Movement in American Theology. New York. Books for Libraries Press. 1969. FOSTER. K. Neill., Revolution of Love. The Canadian Revival: its Impetus and Impact. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. 1973. FOULKES. R. W., The Flame Shall Not Be Quenched. A Study of the Place of Holy Spirit Baptism in the Methodist Revival. Tasmania. Methodist Charismatic Fellowship. 1971. FOUNTAIN. David., Isaac Watts Remembered. Harpenden, Herts. Gospel Standard Baptist Trust. 2nd ed. 1978. FOUNTAIN. David., Lord Radstock and the Russian Awakening. Southampton. Mayflower Christian Books. 1988. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) The Francis Asbury Monument in the National Capital. The Francis Asbury Memorial Association of the Methodist Book Concern. 1925. FRODSHAM. Stanley H., Smith Wigglesworth. Nottingham. Assemblies of God Publishing House. 1949. From Civil War to Revival Victory. A Souvenir of the Remarkable Campaigns in Ulster from 1921 till December 1925, conducted by William P. Nicholson. Belfast. Emerald Isle Books. 1976. (Reprint of 1926 edition.) (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) FULLERTON. W. Y., F. B. Meyer. A Biography. Harrisburg, Penn. Christian Alliance Publishing Co. 1932 (approx.) GADSBY. John., Memoirs of the Principal Hymn Writers and Compilers of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Streamwood. Ill. Primitive Baptist Library. 1978. (Reprint of 1882 edition, published by J. Gadsby in London.) GAER Joseph, and Ben SIEGEL., The Puritan Heritage. America's Roots in the Bible. A Unique Survey of the Impact of Judeo-Christian Concepts upon American History and Institutions. New York. Mentor Books. 1964. GARDINER. H. Norman., (ed.) Jonathan Edwards - a Retrospect. New York. Houghton, Mifflin and Co. 1901. GARRARD. Mary., Jessie Penn-Lewis - a Memoir. Streetsville. Ont. Ontario Christian Books. 1989. (1st 1930.) GARVIN. Mel., We Aussies. The Fascinating History They Didn't Tell us at School. Sale, Victoria. Hayzon (Fusion.) 1987. GAUSTAD. Edwin S., The Great Awakening in New England. Gloucester,Mass. Peter Smith. 1965. (First published 1957.) GAUSTAD. Edwin S., A Religious History of America. Chicago. Harper and Row. 1966. GAY. Peter., The Enlightenment: an Interpretation. Volume One. "The Rise of Modern Paganism." New York. Norton and Co. 1977. (Reprint of 1966.) GAY. Peter., The Enlightenment: an Interpretation. Volume Two. "The Science of Freedom." New York. Norton and Co. 1977. (Reprint of 1969.) GERSTNER. John H., Jonathan Edwards: a Mini-Theology. Wheaton. Tyndale House Publishers. 1987. GESSWEIN. Armin R., God's Will or My Plans. Zondervan. 1968. GEWEHR. Wesley M., The Great Awakening in Virginia. 1740 - 1790. Gloucester, Mass. Peter Smith. 1965. (First published 1930.) GIBSON. Rev. William., The Year of Grace. A History of the Ulster Revival of 1859. Edinburgh. Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier. Jubilee Edition. 1909. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) GIBSON. Rev. William., The Year of Grace. Belfast. Ambassador Press. 1989. GIH. Rev. Andrew., Into God's Family. Stories of the Bethel Bands. (autographed.) London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1955. Revised and enlarged GIH. Rev. Andrew., Revival Follows Revolution in Indonesia. London. Lakeland. 1973. GILBERT. Alan D., Religion and Society in Industrial England. (Church, chapel and social change. 1740 - 1914.) London. Longman. 1976. GILLIES. John., Historical Recollections of Accounts of Revival. London. Banner of Truth. 1981. First published in 1754. Revised and enlarged in 1845, and edited by Horatius Bonar. GILLON. R. Moffatt., John Davidson of Prestonpans. Reformer, preacher and poet of the generation after Knox. London. James Clarke and Co. no date. GODWIN. George., The Great Revivalists. (a secular and non-theistic treatment of the subject.) Boston. The Beacon Press. 1950. GOEN. Clarence C., Revivalism and Separatism in New England. 1740 - 1800. Strict Congregationalists annd Separate Baptists in the Great Awakening. New Haven. Yale University Press. 1962. GOFORTH. Dr. Jonathan., By My Spirit. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 1942. GOFORTH. Dr. Jonathan., When the Spirit's Fire Swept Korea. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 1943. GOFORTH. Rosalind., Goforth of China. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. No Date. (Reprint of 1937.) GOFORTH. Rosalind., How I Know God Answers Prayer. The Personal Testimony of One Lifetime. Chicago. Moody Press. No Date. GONDARRA. Rev. Djinnyinny., Let My People Go. A series of reflections of aboriginal theology. (chapter one is about the 1979 revival in Arnhem Land.) Darwin. Bethel Presbytery. Uniting Church in Australia. 1986. GOODRICH. Arthur., and others., The Story of the Welsh Revival. New York. Fleming H. Revell. 1905. (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) GOODSPEED. Rev. Edgar J., A Full History of the Wonderful Career of Moody and Sankey, in Great Britain and America. New York. AMS Press. 1973. A reprint of the 1876 edition. GORRIE. Rev. P. Douglas., The Lives of Eminent Methodist Ministers. Philadelphia. Keystone Publishing Co. 1889. GOVAN. I. R., The Spirit of Revival. The story of J.G.Govan and the Faith Mission. (1st ed. 1938.) Edinburgh. The Faith Mission. 3rd edition. 1960. GRAHAM. Dr. Billy., Peace With God. London. World's Work. 1954. (autographed.) GREEN. Richard., Anti-Methodist Publications issued during the 18th Century. A Bibliography. New York. Burt Franklin, 1973. (Reprint of 1902 ed.) GREENFIELD. Rev. John., Power From on High. The two hundredth anniversary of the great Moravian Revival, 1727 - 1927. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. Student edition. World-wide Revival Prayer Movement Edition. GREET. Kenneth G., When the Spirit Moves. The Cato Lecture,1975. London. Epworth Press. 1975. GRIFFIN. Clifford S., Their Brothers' Keepers. Westport, Conn. Greenwood Press. 1983. (1960. Rutgers.) GRIFFITHS. Alison., Fire in the Islands. The Acts of the Holy Spirit in the Solomon Islands. Wheaton. Harold Shaw Publishers. 1977. GRUBB. Norman P., Christ in Congo Forests. The story of the Heart of Africa Mission. London. Lutterworth Press. 1945. GRUBB. Norman P., A Mighty Work of the Spirit. An account of Mr. Grubb's visit to Central Africa in 1949. London. Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade. No Date. GRUBB. Norman P., Rees Howells - Intercessor. London. Lutterworth Press. 1952. GRUBB. Norman P., The Price They Paid. London. Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade. No Date. (Photocopy of a copy in Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade Headquarters, Sydney.) GRUBB. Norman P., (editor, though not mentioned.) This is That Accounts of revival on the African fields of the Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade in 1953, provided by the missionaries involved. London. Christian Literature Crusade. 1954. GUTHRIE. Rev. William., The Christian's Great Interest. and The Trial of a Saving Interest in Christ. Edinburgh. Taylor. No Date. HALDANE. Alexander., The Lives of Robert Haldane of Airthrey and of his brother James Alexander Haldane. Edinburgh. W. P. Kennedy. 1855. 4th edition. (Negative microfilm from the National Library of Scotland.) HALDANE. Alexander., The Lives of Robert and James Haldane. (Reprint of 3rd ed. of 1853.) Edinburgh. Banner of Truth. 1990. HALL. John., Revival in Uganda. Oxford Reading and Research. 1983. (cassette.) HAMILTON. Thomas., History of the Irish Presbyterian Church. Edinburgh. T. and T. Clark. No Date. (about 1890.) HAMILTON. Rev. William., An Inquiry into the Scriptural Character of the Revival of 1859. Belfast. Alex. Mayne. 1866. (Photocopy of a copy in the Fuller Theological Seminary.) HARDESTY. Nancy A., Your Daughters Shall Prophesy. Revivalism and Feminism in the Age of Finney. (Chicago Studies in the History of American Religion.) Brooklyn, N.Y. Carlson Publ. Inc. 1991. HARDMAN. Keith J., Charles Grandison Finney. 1792 - 1875. Revivalist and Reformer. Syracuse, N.Y. Syracuse University Press. 1987. HARFORD - BATTERSBY. Charles F., Pilkington of Uganda. Chicago. Student Missionary Campaign Library. (Revell.1899.) DITTO. London. Marshall Brothers. No Date. (Negative microfilm from the British Library.) HAROUTUNIAN. Joseph., Piety Versus Moralism. The Passing of the New England Theology. New York. Harper Torchbooks. 1970. (First published 1932.) HARPER. Rev. Michael., As At The Beginning. The Twentieth Century Pentecostal Revival. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1965. HARRELL. David E., All Things Are Possible. The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in Modern America. Bloomington. Indiana University Press. 1975. HARRELL. David E., (editor.) Varieties of Southern Evangelicalism. Macon. Mercer University Press. 1981. HARRINGTON. Michael., The Other America. Poverty in the United States. London. Penguin Books. 1971. HARRISON. Archibald W., The Evangelical Revival and Christian Reunion. London. Epworth Press. 1942. HARRISON. J. F. C., The Second Coming: Popular Millenarianism. 1780 - 1850. New Brunswick. Rutgers University Press. 1979. HART. Max., A Story of Fire. Aboriginal Christianity. Blackwood. S.A. New Creation Publications. 1988. HATCH. Nathan O., The Democratisation of American Christianity. New Haven. Yale University Press. 1989. HATCH. N., and H. S. STOUT., (eds.) Jonathan Edwards and the American Experience. N.Y. Oxford. 1988. HAY. Archibald M., Charles Inwood. His Ministry and Its Secret. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. No Date. HEFTMANN. Erica., Dark Side of the Moonies. Penguin Books. 1982. HEIER. Edmund., Religious Schism in the Russian Aristocracy, 1860 - 1900. Radstockism and Paschkoffism. The Hague. Martinus Nijhoff. 1970. (Photocopy of a copy in the University of Sydney Library.) HELPER. H. R., The Impending Crisis in the South. New York. Collier Books. 1963. (1st Publ. 1857.) HESSION. Roy., The Calvary Road. London. Christian Literature Crusade. 1950. HIBBERT. Albert., Smith Wigglesworth: the Secret of His Power. Tulsa. Sovereign World. 1982. HICKMAN. James T., Spener's Pietism Christianity Today. (Magazine article) 21 May 1976. (Photocopy.) HICKS. Tommy., Deliverance. (Sermons.) Lancaster, Cal. Published by the author. 1952. (Photocopy of a copy owned by Ken Tydeman.) HINDSON. Edward E., Glory in the Church. The Coming Revival. New York. Thomas Nelson. 1975. Postscript: "The Story of the Lynchburg Revival." by Jerry Farwell. HINE. R. V., California's Utopian Colonies. (Yale Western Americana Series, No. 15.) New Haven. Yale University Press. 1966. (1st printed 1953.) HOFSTADTER. Richard., Anti-intellectualism in American Life. New York. Vintage Books. 1963. HOLCOMB. Walt., Sam Jones. (To Celebrate the Centenary of his Birth.) Nashville. Methodist Publishing House. 1947. HOPWOOD. F. G. S., The Religious Experience of the Primitive Church. (before Paul.) London. T. and T. Clark. 1936. HORNE. Shirley., An Hour to the Stone Age. A Movement amongst the Dani tribes of Western New Guinea. Chicago. Moody Press. 1973. HOSS. Bishop E. E., William McKendree. a Biographical Study. Nashville. Smith and Lamar. 1916. HOUGHTON. Bishop Frank., Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur. London. S. P. C. K. 1954. HOWIE. John., Scots Worthies. Revised by W. H. Carslaw. Edinburgh. Johnstone, Hunter & Co. 1870. HUDSON. Winthrop S., The Great Tradition of the American Churches. N. Y. Harper. 1963. (sl. rev.) 1st ed. 1953. HUDSON. Winthrop S., (ed.) Nationalism and Religion in America. Concepts of American Identity and Mission. New York. Harper Forum Books. 1970. (Peter Smith on spine.) HUGHES. Hugh J., Life of Howell Harris, the Welsh Reformer. Newport. William Jones. London. Nisbet. 1891. HUGHES. Selwyn., Heaven - Sent Revival. May - June 1989 issue of "Every Day With Jesus." Crusade For World Revival. 1989. HUGHES. Selwyn., Revival - Times of Refreshing. Sudbury-on-Thames. Crusade For World Revival. 1990. HULSE. Rev. Erroll., Billy Graham - the Pastor's Dilemma. London. Maurice Allan. 1966. HUMPHREY. Rev. Heman., Revival Sketches and Manual. New York. American Tract Society. 1859. (Photocopy of a copy in the Fuller Theological Seminary Library.) HUNT. Arnold D., The Moonta Revival of 1875. Adelaide. New Creation Publications. 1986. (cassette.) HUNT. Rev. John., (Wesleyan Missionary to Fiji.) Entire Sanctification. in letters. London. Wesleyan Conference Office. 1864. Selected chapters only, designed to represent the positive statement of his views, but not his polemic. (Photocopied from a copy in the Uniting Church Archives, Sydney.) HUNTINGDON. The Life and Times of the Countess of Huntingdon. by a member of the houses of Shirley and Hastings. (Volume two only.) London. W. E. Painter. 1839. HUTCHISON. William R., The Modernist Impulse in American Protestantism. New York. Oxford University Press. Paperback edition. 1982. (First published. 1976.) HYWEL-DAVIES. Jack., Baptised by Fire. The Story of Smith Wigglesworth. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1987. HYDE. A. B., The Story of Methodism. Springfield, Mass. Willey and Co. 1888. IRONSIDE. Harry A., Holiness: the True and the False. New York. Loizeaux Brothers. 1955. ISAAC. Rhys., The Transformation of Virginia: 1740 - 1790. New York. W.W.Norton. 1982. (Originally published by the University of North Carolina Press.) JACKSON. Jeremy C., How Should We Then Live? - A Study Guide for a book by this name by Francis Schaeffer. Old Tappan. Fleming H. Revell. 1976. JACKSON. Rev. Thomas., The Early Methodist Preachers. Six volumes. London. Wesleyan Conference Office. 1878. JAMES. Henry C. and Paul RADER., Halls Aflame. An Account of the Spontaneous Revivals at Asbury College in 1950 and 1958. Wilmore. Asbury Theological Seminary. 1966. JAMES. John Angell., The Christian Professor. addressed in a series of counsels and cautions. London. Hamilton, Adams & Co. 1841. 4th edition. JARRATT. Rev. Devereux., The Life of the Rev. Devereux Jarratt. New York. Arno Press and the New York Times. 1969. JAY. Elizabeth., (editor). The Evangelical and Oxford Movements. Cambridge English Prose Texts. London. Cambridge University Press. 1983. JAY. Elizabeth., Faith and Doubt in Victorian England. Context and commentary. London. Macmillan. 1986. JAY. Elizabeth., The Religion of the Heart. Anglican Evangelicalism and the Nineteenth Century Novel. London. Oxford University Press. 1979. (Photocopy of a copy in the State Library of N.S.W.) JENKINS. D. E., The Life of the Rev. Thomas Charles of Bala. Three volume set. (only 400 sets were produced.) Denbigh. Llewellyn Jenkins. 1908. JENKINS. T. Omri., Five Minutes to Midnight. James Stewart and Mission to Europe. Durham. Evangelical Press. 1989. JOHNSON. Charles A., The Frontier Camp Meeting: Religion's Harvest Time. Dallas. Southern Methodist University Press. 1955. JOHNSON. Clifton H., (editor). God Struck Me Dead. Religious conversion experiences and autobiographies of ex-slaves. Philadelphia. Pilgrim Press. 1969. JOHNSON. Paul E., A Shopkeeper's Millenium. Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York. 1815 to 1837. New York. Hill and Wang. 1983. (Reprint of 1976.) JOHNSON. Paul E., A Shopkeeper's Millenium. Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York. 1815 to 1837. Ph.D thesis in History. U.C.L.A. 1975 (Positive microfilm.) JOHNSON. Simpson., Thomas Collins - a Typical Evangelist. London. Charles H. Kelly. No Date. JONES. David., Life and Times of Griffith Jones of Llanddowror. London. S.P.C.K. 1902. JONES. J. Pengwern., (ed.) India Awake! Thy King Has Come. An Account of the Holy Spirit's work in the Khassia and Jaintia Hills (Assam). Sylhet. May 1905. (Apparantly published by the author.) (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) JONES. J. William., Christ in the Camp: or Religion in Lee's Army. (Reprint of 1904 edition.) Harrisonburg. Pa. Sprinkle Publications. 1986. JONES. J. William., Christ in the Camp. or Religion in Lee's Army. Richmond, Va. B. F. Johnson. 1887. (Photocopy of a copy in Biola College.) JONES. R. B., Christ Our Life. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. No Date. JONES. R. B., Rent Heavens. The Revival of 1904. Some of its Hidden Springs and Prominent Results. London. Pioneer Mission. 1948. Second Edition. DITTO. Photocopy of the Evangelical Library copy in the Moore College Library. JONES. Sam., Sermons and Sayings. London. Dickinson. 1887. Second edition. JOST. Howard., Religious Structures in the Great Revival. 1797 to 1805. Duplicated essay written as a part of class-work. University of Chicago. Unpublished. KAISER. Walter J., Quest For Renewal. Personal Revival in the Old Testament. Chicago. Moody Press. 1986. KATARIKAWE J. W., Revival in Uganda. Part One. Oxford Reading and Research. 1983. (Cassette.) DITTO. Part Two. (Cassette.) KELLER. Charles R., The Second Great Awakening in Connecticut. Hamden. Archon Books. 1968. (First Published, 1942.) KENNEDY. John., The Apostle of the North. (Macleod Edition.) Glasgow. Free Presbyterian Publications. 1978. KENNEDY. John., The Apostle of the North. The Life and Labours of the Rev. Dr.John MacDonald. London. Thomas Nelson. 1866. (Negative microfilm from the National Library of Scotland.) KENNEDY. John., The Days of the Fathers of Ross-shire. Edinburgh. John MacLaren. 1861. Second Edition. (Negative microfilm from the National Library of Scotland.) KENNEDY. John., The Days of the Fathers of Ross-shire. Inverness. Christian Focus Publications. 1979. KENT. John., Holding the Fort. Studies in Victorian Revivalism. London. Epworth Press.. 1978. KILBOURNE. Dr. Ed., The Korean Revivals. (Cassette.) Katoomba Convention. 1966. KILLEN. W. D., Memoir of the Rev. John Edgar. Belfast. W. Mullan. New & Revised edition. 1869. KIRK. Edward N. Lectures on Revivals. Boston. Congregational Publishing Society. 1875. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) KIRTON. J. W. and ANDREWS J. R., Wesley and Whitefield. The two great evangelists of the last century. London. Morgan and Scott. no date. KIVENGERE. Bishop Festo, Love Unlimited. The Message of Love Told from Bible Stories. Glendale. Regal Books. 1975. KIVENGERE. Bishop Festo., When God Comes in Revival. Wheaton. Tyndale House. 1973. KNAPP. Elder Jacob., Autobiography of Elder Jacob Knapp. New York. Sheldon and Co. 1868. KNAPP. Martin Wells., Revival Kindlings. Cincinnati. Revivalist Publishing House. 1890. 4th edition. KNIGHT. Helen C., (editor). Lady Huntingdon and Her Friends. or, The Revival of the Work of God in the Days of Wesley, Whitefield, Romaine, Venn and others in the Last Century. New York. American Tract Society. 1853. This copy was a gift from Dr J. Edwin Orr. KNIGHT. John., Rain in a Dry Land. (Church life in Zimbabwe.) London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1987. KNIGHT. Walter L., (editor), Jesus People Come Alive. Wheaton. Tyndale House Publishers. 1971. KOCH. Dr. Kurt., Revival Fires in Canada. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Kregel Publications. 1973. KOCH. Dr. Kurt., The Revival in Indonesia. West Germany. Evangelisation Publishers. 1970. KOCH. Dr. Kurt., Wine of God. The Holy Spirit Leads in all Truth. Revival in Indonesia, Formosa, Solomon Islands and South India. Montreal. Christian Evangelism Publ. 1974. KUMO. Komber A., The Outpouring of the Spirit in Truk. Printed paper from the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr. LACY. Dr. Benjamin Rice., Revivals in the Midst of the Years. Nashville. Royal Publishers Inc. 1968. Revised and enlarged. First published in 1943. LAGEER. Eileen., New Life for All. (Nigerian Evangelism.) Chicago. Moody Press. 1970. (Photocopy of a copy in Sudan Interior Mission, Sydney.) LAMBERT. Tony., The Resurrection of the Chinese Church. London. Hodder & Stoughton and O. M. F. 1991. LAMONT. W. and OLDFIELD. S., (editors.) Politics, Religion and Literature in the 17th Century. London. Dent. 1975. LANG. G. H., An Ordered Life. (Autobiography.) London. Paternoster Press. 1959. LANG. G. H., The History and Diaries of an Indian Christian. (J. C. Aroolappan.) London. Thynne and Co. 1939. (Negative microfilm from the British Library.) LANGTON. Edward., History of the Moravian Church. London. George Allen and Unwin. 1956. LAZELL. David., From the Forest I Came. The Story of Gypsy Rodney Smith M.B.E. London. Concordia Press. 1970. LEE. Umphrey., The Historical Backgrounds of Early Methodist Enthusiasm. New York. AMS Press. 1967. LEE. Umphrey., The Lord's Horseman. John Wesley the Man. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1956. LEE. Umphrey, and W. W. SWEET., A Short History of Methodism. Nashville. Abingdon Press. 1956. LEES. Shirley., Drunk Before Dawn. (Borneo.) London. Overseas Missionary Fellowship. 1979. LEWIS. A. J., Zinzendorf, the Ecumenical Pioneer. London. S.C.M. Press. 1962. LEWIS. Grace R., The Lushai Hills. London. Baptist Missionary Society. 1907. (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) LEWIS. H. Elvet., Nonconformity in Wales. London. National Council of Evangelical Free Churches. 1904. LEWIS. H. Elvet., Sweet Singers of Wales. A Story of Welsh Hymns and their Authors. London. Religious Tract Society. 1889. LEWIS. H. Elvet., With Christ Among the Miners. Incidents and Impressions of the Welsh Revival. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1907. Second edition. (Photocopy of a copy in the Fuller Theological Seminary Library.) LEWIS H. Elvet., G. Campbell MORGAN and I. V. NEPRASH., Glory Filled the Land. A trilogy on the Welsh Revival (1904-1905). Edited by Richard Owen Roberts. (Includes H. E. Lewis "With Christ Among the Miners", G. C. Morgan "This is That", and I. V. Neprash "The Spirituality of the Welsh Revivalist".) Wheaton. International Awakening Press. 1989. LEWIS. Sinclair., Elmer Gantry. United Kingdom. Panther Books. 1965. (1st British Ed. 1921.) LINDHEIM. Tor., Hans Nielsen Hauge. 1771 to 1824. Magazine article in the Evangelical Library Bulletin No. 61. August 1978. London. Evangelical Library. 1978. LINDSAY. Ian., Embers of Revival. Box Hill. United Aborigines Mission. 1987. LINDSAY. Ian., Fire in the Spinifex. Revival in the desert of Western Australia. Box Hill. United Aborigines Mission. 1986. LLOYD - JONES. Dr. D. Martyn., The Puritans - Their Origins and Successors. London. Banner of Truth. 1987. LLOYD - JONES. Dr. D. Martyn., Revival: an Historical and Theological Survey. Magazine article from "How Shall They Hear." Puritan and Reformed Studies Conference. 275 Spring Rd., Southampton. 1960. LLOYD-JONES. D. Martyn, Revival. 24 sermons. Marshall Pickering. 1986. LLOYD - JONES. Dr. D. Martyn., Revival 2. Six cassettes of addresses on revival. West Ryde, N.S.W. MLJ Recordings Trust. LOCKWOOD. George B., The New Harmony Movement. New York. Appleton and Co. 1905. LOEWENBERG. B. J. and R. BOGIN. (Editors.) Black Women in Nineteenth Century American Life. Their Words, Their Thoughts, Their Feelings. Pennsylvania State University Press. 1976. LORENZ. Ellen Jane., Glory, Hallelujah. The Story of the Camp-meeting Spiritual. Nashville. Abingdon Press. 1980. LORIMER. John, et al. Revival - Scriptural and Historical. Chapters from the lectures on revival by the ministers of the church of Scotland. Strathpine. Covenanter Press. 1977. LOTZ. D. W., (editor.) Altered Landscapes. Christianity in America, 1935 - 1985. (Essays in Honour of Robert T. Handy.) Grand Rapids. W. Eerdmans. 1989. LOUD. Grover C., Evangelised America. New York. Lincoln Mac Veagh. 1928. LOVEJOY. David., Religious Enthusiasm in the New World. Heresy to Revolution. Cambridge. Harvard Uni. Press. 1985. (Photocopy of a copy in the University of Sydney Library.) LOVELACE. Richard F., The American Piety of Cotton Mather. Origins of American Evangelicalism. Washington. D.C. Christian College Consortium. 1979. LOVELACE. Richard F., Dynamics of Spiritual Life. I.V.P. (Illinois), and Paternoster Press. (U.K.) 1979. LOVELAND. Anne. C., Southern Evangelicals and the Social Order. 1800 - 1860. Baton Rouge. Louisiana State University Press. 1980. (Photocopy of copy in the State Library of N.S.W.) LUDLUM. D. M., Social Ferment in Vermont. New York. AMS Press. 1966. (First publ. 1939.) LUMPKIN. William L., and Lyman BUTTERFIELD., Colonial Baptists and Southern Revivals. New York. Arno Press. 1980. LUTZER. Erwin W., Flames of Freedom. (Canada.) Chiago. Moody Press. 1976. LYALL. Rev. James., The Recent Great Revival in Australia and New Zealand. Colombo. A.M. and J. Ferguson. 1903. (Photocopy of the copy in Oberlin College Library, Ohio.) LYALL. Leslie T., A Biography of John Sung: Flame for God in the Far East. London. China Inland Mission. 1956. Revised Edition. McCHEYNE. Robert Murray., Additional Remains. Edinburgh. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier. New Ed. No Date. M'CRIE. Thomas., The Life of John Knox. Glasgow. Free Presbyterian Publicatons. 1976. McCONNELL. J., Presbyterianism in Belfast. Belfast. Davidson and M'Cormack. 1912. MACDONALD. F. W., The Life of William Morley Punshon. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1888. McDONNOLD. B. W., The History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Nashville. Board of Publications of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. 4th edition. 1899. MACFARLAN. Rev. D., The Revivals of the Eighteenth Century Particularly at Cambuslang. plus three sermons by George Whitefield. Edinburgh. John Johnstone. No Date. This copy was a gift from Dr. J. Edwin Orr. McGIFFERT. Arthur Cushman. junior., Jonathan Edwards. New York. Harper and Brothers. 1932. M'GREADY. Rev. James., Narrative and Progress of the Revival of 1800. in a letter to a friend. Also, Preface (of Posthumous Works), and estimate of his character. All of this is a small part at the beginning of Vol. 1. of "Posthumous Works." Louisville, Kentucky. 1831. Photocopy from the two volume set in the University of Chicago Library. (The rest of the Works consists of sermons.) MACINNES. John., The Evangelical Movement in the Highlands of Scotland. 1688 to 1800. Aberdeen University Press. 1951. MACKENZIE. Lachlan., The Happy Man. The Abiding Witness of Lachlan Mackenzie. Biographical Introduction by Iain Murray. London. Banner of Truth. 1979. MACKINTOSH. C., Dr. Harry Guinness. London. Regions Beyond Missionary Union. 1916. MACLEOD. John., Scottish Theology. - in Relation to Church History. Edinburgh. Knox Press. 1974. McLOUGHLIN. William G., Introduction (only) to McLoughlin's edition of Finney's Revival Lectures. (Photocopy of a copy in the State Library of N.S.W.) McLOUGHLIN. William G., Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition. Library of American Biography. Boston. Little, Brown and Co. 1967. McLOUGHLIN. William G., Modern Revivalism. New York. Ronald Press. 1959. McLOUGHLIN. William G., Revivals, Awakenings and Reform. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1978. MACNEIL. John., The Spirit - Filled Life. Melbourne. Fitzroy Methodist Mission. No Date. McNEMAR. Richard., The Kentucky Revival, and Shakerism. A Short History of the Late Extraordinary Outpouring of the Spirit of God in the Western States of America. New York. Edward O. Jenkins. 1846. (Photocopy of a copy in Fuller Seminary.) MACNICOL. D. C., Robert Bruce. Minister of the Kirk in Edinburgh. London. Banner of Truth. 1961. (Reprint of 1907 edition.) McPHERSON. Aimee Semple., The Story of My Life. Waco, Texas. Word Books. 1973. MACRAE. Alexander., Revivals in the Highlands and Islands in the Nineteenth Century. Stirling. Eneas Mackay. 1906. (Negative microfilm from the National Library of Scotland) MADDEN. Edward H. and James E. HAMILTON., Freedom and Grace. The Life of Asa Mahan. Metuchen. The Scarecrow Press. 1982. MARSDEN. George M., The Evangelical Mind and the New School Presbyterian Experience. A Case Study of Thought and Theology in Nineteenth Century America. New Haven. Yale University Press. 1970. MARSDEN. George M., Fundamentalism and American Culture. The Shaping of 20th Century Evangelicalism. 1870 to 1925. New York. Oxford University Press. Paperback ed. 1982. MARSDEN. George., Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism. Grand Rapids. Eerdmans. 1991. MARTY. Martin E., The New Shape of American Religion. New York. Harper and Row. 1958. MASSIE. James W., Revivals in Ireland. (four parts.) London. John Snow. 1859. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library.) MATHEWS. David., I Saw the Welsh Revival. Chicago. Moody Press. 1951. (Colportage Library.) MATHEWS. Donald G., Slavery and Methodism. A Chapter in American Morality. 1780 to 1845. Princeton University Press. 1965. MAXSON. Charles H., The Great Awakening in the Middle Colonies. Gloucester, Mass. Peter Smith. 1958. First published, 1920. MAY. Henry F., Protestant Churches and Industrial America. New York. Harper Torchbooks edition. 1967. (1st ed. 1949.) MAY. Sherry Pierpont., Asahel Nettleton: Nineteenth Century American Revivalist. (positive microfilm.) Ph.D. thesis in Theological Studies. Drew University. 1969. MEAD. Sidney E., The Lively Experiment. The Shaping of Christianity in America. New York. Harper and Row. 1963. MEAD. Sidney E., Nathaniel William Taylor. 1786 to 1858. A Connecticut Liberal. Hamden. Archon Books. 1967. (First published, 1942.) MELCHER. Marguerite F., The Shaker Adventure. New York. The Shaker Museum. 1975. MELOON. Marion., Ivan Spencer. Willow in the Wind. Plainfield, New Jersey. Logos International. 1974. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH., The Religious Awakening of Korea. An Account of the Revival in the Korean Churches in 1907. New York. Board of Foreign Missions. Methodist Episcopal Church. 1908. (Photocopy of a copy in Biola College Library.) MILBURN. William H., Ten Years of Preacher-Life. Chapters from an Autobiography. New York. Derby and Jackson. 1859. MILES. Austin., Don't Call Me Brother. A Ringmaster's Escape from the Pentecostal Church. Buffalo, N.Y. Prometheus Books. 1989. MILLARD. E. C., What God Hath Wrought. An Account of the Mission Tour of the Rev. George C. Grubb (1889-1890) chiefly from the diary kept by E. C. Millard, one of his companions, in Ceylon, South India, Australia, New Zealand, Cape Colony. London. E. Marlborough and Co. 1891. MILLER. Basil., Charles G. Finney. He Prayed Down Revivals. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 1942. (Hard covered edition.) MILLER. Basil., Charles G. Finney. Official Sesqui-Centennial biography. 1942. (paperback. same as previous title.) Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. No Date. MILLER. Dr. J. Graham., Live No.3. Vanuatu. Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu. 1985. MILLER. Dr. J. Graham., Live No.4. Vanuatu. Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu. 1986. MILLER. Perry., Errand into the Wilderness. New York. Harper Torchbooks. 1964. (First published 1946.) MILLER. Perry., Jonathan Edwards. New York. Delta Publishing Co. 1967. (First published 1949.) MILLER. Perry., The Life of the Mind in America, from the Revolution to the Civil War. (Books 1 - 3.) New York. Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1963. (Harvest Book.) MILLER. R. Edward., The Flaming Flame. Tells the story of continued revival in Argentina after the Tommy Hicks meetings in Buenos Aires in 1954. Burbank. World Missionary Assistance Plan. 1973. MILLER. R. Edward., Thy God Reigneth. The Story of Revival in Argentina. World Missionary Assistance Plan. 1964. MILLER. Samuel., Jonathan Edwards. (Vol. 1. of "American Biography" series, edited by Jared Sparks.) New York. Harper and Brothers. 1902. MILLS. Brian., Prayer Triplets. Praying for a Spiritual Awakening. Homebush, N.S.W. ANZEA. 1988. MILLS. Watson E., Charismatic Religion in Modern Research: a Bibliography. Macon, Georgia. Mercer University Press. 1985. MINISTERS OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND., Lectures on the Revival of Religion. Glasgow. William Collins. 1840. (Negative microfilm from the National Library of Scotland.) (See also parts of this book which have been published separately.) DITTO. London. Banner of Truth. 1984. MOBERG. David O., The Great Reversal. Evangelism versus Social Concern. London. Scripture Union. 1972. MODE. Peter G., Sourcebook and Bibliographical Guide for American Church History. Boston. Canner and Co. 1964. (First published 1921.) MOLLAND. Einar., Church Life in Norway. 1800 to 1950. Westport. Augsburg Publishing Co. 1957. MONOD. Rene., The Korean Revival. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1969. MONSEN. Miss Marie., The Awakening. Revival in China. 1929 to 1937. London. China Inland Mission. 1961. MONTGOMERY. J. Warwick., The Shaping of America. Minneapolis. Bethany House Publishers. (2nd ed.) 1981. MOODY - STUART. K., Brownlow North. His Life and Work. London. Banner of Truth. 1963. MOODY. William R., The Life of Dwight L. Moody. The Authorised Biography. London. Morgan and Scott. No Date. MOORE. Martin., Boston Revival - 1842. A Brief History of the Evangelical Churches of Boston, Together with a More Particular Account of the Revival of 1842. Wheaton. Richard Owen Roberts. 1980. (Reprint of 1842 edition.) MOORE. Samuel J., The Great Revival in Ireland. London. Marshall Brothers. No Date. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) MOORE. Samuel J., The Great Revival in Ireland. Lisburn, N. I. Published privately by Rev. Stanley Barnes. 1986. (Reprint of 1859 edition.) MOORE. Samuel J., The Revival in Ballymena and Neighbourhood in 1859. Ballymena. M. Erwin. 1893. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) MORGAN. Derec Lloyd., The Great Awakening in Wales. (translated from Welsh by Dyfnallt Morgan.) London. Epworth Press. 1988. MORGAN. Edmund S., The Puritan Dilemma. The story of John Winthrop. Boston. Little, Brown and Co. 1958. MORGAN. Edmund S., Roger Williams, the Church and the State. Harcourt, Brace and World. 1967. MORGAN. Edmund S., Visible Saints. The History of a Puritan Idea. Cornell University Press. 1965. (paperback.) Originally in hard cover, 1963. MORGAN. Edward., John Elias. Life, Letters and Essays. London. Banner of Truth. 1973. (Memoir, first published in 1844. Letters, etc., 1847.) . MORGAN. G. Campbell., This is That. Lessons of the Welsh Revival. Melbourne. S. John Bacon. No Date. MORGAN. G. Campbell., The Revival - Its Source and Power. (Same as the previous title.) Included in Lewis, Morgan and Neprash, "Glory Filled the Land." Wheaton. International Awakening Press. 1989. MORGAN. George E., Mighty Days of Revival. Richard Cope Morgan: His Life and Times. London. Morgan and Scott. No Date. This copy was a gift from Dr. J. Edwin Orr. DITTO. A second copy, purchased in London, is dated 1909. MORGAN. Irvonwy., The Godly Preachers of the Elizabethan Church. London. Epworth Press. 1965. MORGAN. J. J., The '59 Revival in Wales. Incidents in the Life of David Morgan. Mold. J. J. Morgan. 1909. (Negative microfilm from the British Library.) MORGAN. John., Godly Learning. Puritan Attitudes to Reason, Learning and Education. 1560 - 1640. New York. Cambridge University Press. 1986. MORGAN. J. Vyrnwy., The Welsh Religious Revival, 1904 - 5. A Retrospect and a Criticism. London. Chapman and Hall. 1909. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) MOSSE. George L., The Holy Pretense. A Study in Christianity and Reason of State from Perkins to Winthrop. New York. Howard Fertig. 1968. MULLER. George., Answers to Prayer. From George Muller's Narratives. Chicago. Moody Press. No Date. MULLER. George., Autobiography. London. James Nisbet. Second edition. 1906. MULLER - KRUGER. Theodore., History of Protestantism in Indonesia. Stuttgart. 1968. English translation of several parts of the book which apply to the history of revivals. From the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr. MULLER - KRUGER. Theodore., The Great Repentance in Nias Island. Oxford Reading and Research. (From the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr.) MULLER - KRUGER. Theodore., The Protestant Christian Church of Nias. English translation of a chapter from the standard Church History of Indonesia. Djakarta. 1959. From the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr. MURILLO. Mario., Critical Mass. A Strategy for a North American Revival. Chatsworth, Cal. Anthony Douglas Publ. Co. 1985. MURILLO. Mario., Critical Mass. A Strategy for Revival. Unley Park, S.A. House of Tabor. 1986. (Special Aust. Edit.) MURRAY. Andrew., The Coming Revival. London. Marshall Pickering. 1989. MURRAY. Iain., Australian Christian Life from 1788. An Introduction and an Anthology. London. Banner of Truth. 1987. MURRAY. Iain., D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The Fight of Faith, 1939 - 1981. (Vol.2 of the Authorised Biography.) Edinburgh. Banner of Truth. 1990. Autographed by the author. MURRAY. Iain., Jonathan Edwards. London. Banner of Truth Trust. 1987. MURRAY. Iain., The Invitation System. London. Banner of Truth. 1967. MURRAY. Iain., The Puritan Hope. Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy. Edinburgh. Banner of Truth. 1971. MURRAY. S. W., W. P. Nicholson. Flame for God in Ulster. Belfast. Presbyterian Fellowship. 1973. NARRATIVES OF REVIVALS OF RELIGION. Published under the Auspices of the Glasgow Revival Tract Society. Glasgow. William Collins. 1839. (Bound Xerox copy made in London for the Evangelical Library at my request.) NEELY. Lois., Oswald J. Smith. Fire in His Bones. London. Marshall Pickering. 1987. NELSON. Isaac., The Year of Delusion. Belfast. "The Advertiser." 1861. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) Source: Miscellaneous Works. Wilberforce Period. Volume 95. Numbers 34 - 42. NELSON. John., John Nelson's Journal. (an Extract.) London. Wesleyan Conference Office. No Date. NEPRASH. I. V., The Spirituality of the Welsh Revivalist. Personal glimpses of Evan Roberts. Included in Lewis, Morgan and Neprash, "Glory Filled The Land." A trilogy on the Welsh Revival (1904-1905). Edited by Richard Owen Roberts. (Also includes H. E. Lewis "With Christ Among the Miners" and G. C. Morgan "This is That".) Wheaton. International Awakening Press. 1989. NEVIN. John W., The Anxious Bench. Reading. D. Miller. 1892. 3rd edition. (reprint of 2nd ed.) (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) NIEBUHR. H. Richard., Christ and Culture. Harper and Row. 1951. NIEBUHR. H. Richard., The Kingdom of God in America. New York. Harper Torchbooks. 1959. (First published, 1937.) NIEBUHR. H. Richard., The Social Sources of Denominationalism. Meridian Books. World Publishing Co. 1957. (First published, 1929.) NIEBUHR. H. Richard., and Daniel Day WILLIAMS., (editors.) The Ministry in Historical Perspective. New York. Harper and Row. 1956. NIEBUHR. H. Richard., Daniel Day WILLIAMS., (editors.) and with a new chapter by Sydney E. AHLSTROM. The Ministry in Historical Perspective. Second edition. New York. Harper and Row. (paperback,) 1983. NISSENBAUM. Stephen., (editor.) The Great Awakening at Yale College. Belmont. Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1972. NOBLE. W. F. P., A Century of Gospel Work. 1776 - 1876. A History of the Growth of Evangelical Religion in the United States. Philadelphia. H.C.Watts. 1876. NOLL. Mark A., (editor and compiler). The Princeton Theology: 1812 - 1921. Philipsburg. N.J. Presbyterian and Reformed. 1983. NORBERG. Prof. Sverre., Hans Nielsen Hauge and the Awakening of Norway. Oxford Reading and Research. 1976. Printed loose-leaf form, from the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr. NOTTINGHAM. Elizabeth K., Methodism and the Frontier. Indiana's Proving Ground. New York. AMS Press. 1966. (First published, 1941.) NOYES. John Humphrey., Strange Cults and Utopias of 19th Century America. (formerly called "History of American Socialisms.") Gloucester, Mass. Peter Smith. Dover Publications. 1966. NUTTALL. Geoffrey F., Howel Harris, 1714 - 1773. The Last Enthusiast. Cardiff. University of Wales Press. 1965. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) OBERHOLZER. Emil., Delinquent Saints, Disciplinary Actions in the Early Congregational Churches of Massachusetts. New York. Columbia University Press. 1956. OCTAVIANUS. Petrus., Revival in Indonesia. Part One. Oxford Reading and Research. 1983. (Cassette.) DITTO. Part Two. (Cassette.) OLFORD. Stephen F., Heart - Cry For Revival. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1963. ORR. J. Edwin., All Your Need. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1936. ORR. J. Edwin., Campus Aflame. Dynamic of Student Religious Revolution. Regal Books. 1971. ORR. J. Edwin., Can God...? London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1934. ORR. J. Edwin., The Church Must First Repent. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. No Date. (approx. 1937.) ORR. J. Edwin., Dynamic For Changing a Nation. Cassette copy of address at Belgrave Heights Convention, Easter 1976. (Second in series of four.) ORR. J. Edwin., The Eager Feet. Evangelical Awakenings, 1790 to 1830. Chicago. Moody Press. 1975. ORR. J. Edwin., Evangelical Awakenings in Africa. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. 1975. ORR. J. Edwin., Evangelical Awakenings in Africa. This is an "unpublished" form of the book, produced personally by Dr. Orr, and only 25 copies were made. It is a revision of an earlier form. There is no index or book list. August 1974. ORR. J. Edwin., Evangelical Awakenings in Eastern Asia, Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. 1975. ORR. J. Edwin., Evangelical Awakenings in Eastern Asia. This is an "unpublished" form of the book, produced personally by Dr. Orr, and bound by him. Only 25 copies were made. August. 1974. ORR. J. Edwin., Evangelical Awakenings in India. in the Early Twentieth Century. New Dehli. Christian Literature Institute. 1970. ORR. J. Edwin., Evangelical Awakenings in Latin America. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. 1978. ORR. J. Edwin., Evangelical Awakenings in Southern Asia. A revision and enlargement of the 1970 book about India. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. 1975. ORR. J. Edwin., Evangelical Awakenings in the South Seas. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. 1976. ORR. J. Edwin., The Event of the Century. The 1857 - 1858 Awakening: a startling update. From Dr. Orr's personal files. (A small booklet probably in preparation for the book of the same name.) ORR. J. Edwin., The Event of the Century. The 1857 - 1858 Awakening. (edited by Richard Owen Roberts.) Wheaton. International Awakening Press. 1989. ORR. J. Edwin., Faith That Makes Sense. Cassette copy of an address at Belgrave Heights Convention, Easter, 1976. (3rd in series of 4.) ORR. J. Edwin., Faith That Makes Sense. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1960. ORR. J. Edwin., The Fervent Prayer. The World-wide Impact of the Great Awakening of 1858. Chicago. Moody Press. 1974. ORR. J. Edwin., The Flaming Tongue. The Impact of 20th Century Revivals. Chicago. Moody Press. 1973. ORR. J. Edwin., The Flaming Tongue. The Impact of 20th Century Revivals. Second edition, revised. Moody Press. 1975. ORR. J. Edwin., Full Surrender. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1951. ORR. J. Edwin., If Ye Abide. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1936. ORR. J. Edwin., The Inside Story of the Hollywood Christian Group. Grand Rapids. Michigan. Zondervan. 1955. ORR. J. Edwin., Lecture notes on Protestant spiritual movements from Wycliffe to Wesley, mainly in England. Xerox copies. unbound, unpublished, obtained from Dr. Orr. 1974. ORR. J. Edwin., List of cassettes on Revival, and other subjects, held in the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr. Complete to mid - 1983. 23 are of addresses at the Oxford Reading and Research, and may be available in typed form. ORR. J. Edwin., List of papers in personal files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr, resulting from the Oxford Reading and Research, and from class papers presented to him by students at his classes in Fuller Theological Seminary. Complete to mid - 1983. ORR. J. Edwin., My All - His All. edited by Richard Owen Roberts. (A much enlarged edition of "Full Surrender.") Wheaton. International Awakening Press. 1989. ORR. J. Edwin., The Outpouring of the Spirit and the Results in Church Growth. (Part of a dialogue on the relationship between revival and church growth with Donald MacGavran.) Published by the Author. 1984. (Photocopy.) ORR. J. Edwin., The Power of God in Revival. Cassette copy of an address at the Belgrave Heights Convention, Easter, 1976. First in series of four. ORR. J. Edwin., The Promise is to You. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1935. ORR. J. Edwin., Prove Me Now. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1935. (autographed.) ORR. J. Edwin., The Re-study of Revival and Revivalism. Circulated personally by the author. 1981. DITTO. School of World Mission. 1981. (Photocopy.) ORR. J. Edwin., Revival and Revivalism. (pamphlet.) An earlier form of the previous title, printed by the author. Oxford Reading and Research discussion paper. (Photocopy.) ORR. J. Edwin., Revival During the Civil War. Oxford Reading and Research. 1983. (Cassette.) ORR. J. Edwin., The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening. Reproduced from a photocopy obtained from the History Dept. of the University of Wollongong. It is the text of a filmed address by that title issued by Campus Crusade for Christ. 1975. Fellowship For Revival, N.S.W. 1987. ORR. J. Edwin., The Second Evangelical Awakening in America. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1952. ORR. J. Edwin., The Second Evangelical Awakening in Britain. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1949. ORR. J. Edwin., and others., Telling Australia. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. No Date. ORR. J. Edwin., Times of Refreshing. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1936. ORR. J. Edwin., This is the Victory. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1935. ORR. J. Edwin., Total Commitment. (including a section on revival in Australia.) Cassette copy of an address at Belgrave Heights Convention, Easter, 1976. (Fourth in a series of four.) OSBORN. H. H., Fire in the Hills. The Revival that Spread from Ruanda. Crowborough. Highland Books. 1991. OUTLER. Albert C., Evangelism in the Wesleyan Spirit. Nashville. Abingdon Press. 1971. OVERTON. John Henry., The Evangelical Revival of the Eighteenth Century, London. Longmans, Green and Co. 1891. (Photocopy of a copy in the Fuller Theological Seminary Lbrary.) OVERTON. J. H., John Wesley. London. Methuen. 1905. (1st published 1891.) PACKER. J. A., Among the Heretics of Europe. London. Cassell and Co. 1912. PACKER. J. I., God in Our Midst. Seeking and Receiving Ongoing Revival. (Christian Essential Series.) Milton Keynes. Word Books. 1987. PACKER. J. I., The Quest for Godliness. The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life. Wheaton. Crossways Books. 1990. PACKER. Dr. James I., Renewal and Revival. Magazine article in Vision Magazine, May - June 1976, No. 15. Sydney. Temple Trust. 1976. PAISLEY. Ian R. K., The "Fifty - Nine" Revival. Belfast. Ambassador Publications. 5th edition. 1987. PALMER. Bernard and Marjorie., The Winds of God are Blowing. Wheaton. Tyndale House. 1973. PALMS. Roger C., The Jesus Kids. London. S.C.M. Press. 1971. PARRINGTON. Vernon L., Main Currents of American Thought. Volume One. The Colonial Mind. 1620 - 1800. New York. Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1927. Harvest Books edition. PARRINGTON. Vernon L., Main Currents in American Thought. Volume Two. The Romantic Revolution in America. 1800 - 1860. New York. Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1927. Harvest Books edition. PAS. J., (ed.) The Turning of the Tide. Religion in China Today. Hong Kong. Royal Asiatic Society (in conjunction with Oxford University Press.) 1989. PATERSON. Rev. James., Richard Weaver's Life Story. London. Morgan and Scott. No Date. PATTISON. Peter., Crisis Unawares. A Doctor Examines the Korean Church. O.M.F. Books. 1981. PEDERSON. Duane., Jesus People. Pasadena. Compass Press. 1971. PENN - LEWIS. Jessie., War on the Saints. Abridged edition. London. Overcomer Literature Trust. No Date. PENN - LEWIS. Jessie., War on the Saints. Full Text. New York. Thomas E. Lowe. 1973. Ninth edition. PENN - LEWIS. Jessie., The Awakening in Wales, and some of its Hidden Springs. 1905. Title page not copied. (Photocopy of a copy in the State Library of N.S.W.) PENN - LEWIS. Jessie., The Awakening in Wales. Dorset. Overcomer Literature Trust. No Date. (1966?) Reprint of the 1905 edition. PETERS. Dr. George W., Indonesia Revival. Focus on Timor. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 1973. PHILLIPS. D. M., Evan Roberts - the Great Welsh Revivalist and his Works. London. Marshall Brothers. 1906. Second edition, revised and enlarged. (Negative microfilm from the British Library.) PHILLIPS. K. N., From Mau Mau to Christ. Stirling Tract Enterprise. 1958. PHILLIPS. Thomas., The Welsh Revival: Its Origin and Development. (1859.) London. Banner of Truth. 1989. Reprint of 1860 edition. PIBWORTH. N. R., The Gospel Pedlar. The story of John Berridge and the Eighteenth Century Revival. Welwyn. Evangelical Press. 1987. PIERCE. Dr. Bob., The Untold Korea Story. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 1951. Second edition. PIERSON. Arthur T., The New Acts of the Apostles. London. James Nisbet. 1901. PIGGIN. Stuart., Faith of Steel. A History of the Christian Churches in Illawarra, Australia. Published for the Sesquicentenary of Wollongong. 1834 - 1984. University of Wollongong. 1984. PIGGIN. Stuart., Preaching For Revival. Duplicated seminar paper for Anglican clergy at Gilbulla. N.S.W. Privately published and circulated. 1989. PILCHER. George W., Samuel Davies: Apostle of Dissent in Colonial Virginia. Knoxville. University of Tennessee Press. 1971. (Photocopy of a copy in the University of Sydney Library.) POLLOCK. John., Billy Graham. Evangelist to the World. Harper and Row. 1979. POLLOCK. John., George Whitefield and the Great Awakening. Tring, Herts. Lion paperbacks. 1986. (1st ed. 1972.) PORTER. Ebenezer., Letters on the Religious Revival which Prevailed about the Beginning of the Present Century. Boston. Congregational Board of Evangelism. 1858. (Negative microfilm from the Library of Congress.) POSEY. Walter B., The Development of Methodism in the Old South West, 1783 to 1824. (First published, 1933.) Philadelphia. Porcupine Press. 1974. POSEY. Walter B., Frontier Mission. A History of Religion West of the Southern Appalachians to 1861. Lexington. University of Kentucky Press. 1966. POSEY. Walter B., Religious Strife on the Southern Frontier. Louisiana State University Press. 1965. PRATNEY. Winkie., (compiler.) Revival - Principles to Change the World. Springdale, Pa. Whitaker House. 1983. PRATT. John H., (editor.) The Thought of the Evangelical Leaders. Notes of the Discussions of The Eclectic Society, London, during the years 1798 - 1814. London. Banner of Truth Trust. 1978. (Reprint of the James Nisbet edition of 1856.) PRIME. Samuel Irenaeus., Five Years of Prayer, with the Answers New York. Harper and Brothers. 1864. (Photocopy of the copy in Biola College Library.) PRIME. Samuel Irenaeus., The Power of Prayer. illustrated in the Wonderful Displays of Divine Grace at the Fulton Street and other meetings in New York and elsewhere, in 1857 and 1858. New York. Charles Scribners. 1864. New and enlarged edition. (Photocopy of the copy in Biola College Library.) PRIME. Samuel Irenaeus., The Power of Prayer. The New York Revival of 1858. Edinburgh. Banner of Truth Trust. 1991. (Reprint of the first edition. 1859.) PRINCE. Rev. Thomas., (ed.) The Christian History. Containing Accounts of the Revival and Propagation of Religion in Great Britain and America in 1743 (Volume One.) DITTO for 1744 (Volume Two.) Boston. Printed by N. Kneeland and T. Green for Thomas Prince Jr. 1744 (Vol.1.) 1745 (Vol.2.) (Negative microfilm from the Library of Congress.) PRIVATE BROTHER. A., A Sober Reply to a Mad Answer. (Part of a pamphlet war relating to George Whitefield's ministry.) Boston. Rogers and Fowle. 1742. Photocopy from a microcard at the Boston Public Library. PRYOR. Oswald., Australia's Little Cornwall. Seal Books. Adelaide. Rigby. 1980. (Reprint of 1962.) PUGH. E. Cynolwyn., The Welsh Revival of 1904 - 1905. A Jubilee article in "Theology Today.", July 1955. (Photocopy.) RABOTEAU. A. J., Slave Religion. The "Invisible Institution" in the Antebellum South. New York. Oxford University Press. 1978. RAMSBOTTOM. R. A., Christmas Evans. Luton. Bunyan Press. 1985. RANDALL. M. W., Great Awakenings and the Restoration Movement. Joplin, Missouri. College Press. 1983. RATTENBURY. J. Ernest., Wesley's Legacy to the World. Six studies in the permanent values of the Evangelical Revival. London. Epworth Press. 1928. RAWLYK. George A., Ravished by the Spirit. Religious Revivals, Baptists, and Henry Alline. Kingston, Ont. McGill-Queen's University Press. 1984. RAWLYK. George., (editor.) Selected Writings of Henry Alline. see under Alline. REED. Andrew., The Revival of Religion. A Narrative of the State of Religion at Wycliffe Chapel, during the year 1839. London. Thomas Ward. 1940. 6th edition. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) REED. Kevin., Charles Finney and Revivalism. Class essay circulated privately by the author. 1979. Printed copy. DITTO. Typescript copy. REES. E. Ebrard., Christmas Evans. 1766 to 1838. London. Kingsgate Press. No Date. REES. Rev. T. Mardy., Seth Joshua and Frank Joshua. The Renowned Evangelists. Wrexham. Hughes and Sons. 1926. REESE. David M., Humbugs of New York. New York. Books for Libraries. 1971. (Reprint of 1838 ed.) REID. James S., History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. New edition with notes by W. D. Killen. Three volumes. Belfast. W. Mullan. 1867. REID. W. Stanford., The Reformation - Revival or Revolution. New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1968. REID. William., Authentic Records of Revival. Wheaton. Richard Owen Roberts. 1980. (Reprint of 1860 edition.) REID. William., Authentic Records of Revival. London. James Nisbet. 1860. (Negative microfilm from the National Library of Scotland.) RELFE. Mary., Cure of All Ills. Montgomery, Alabama. League of Prayer. 1988. Reminiscences of the Revival of '59 and the Sixties. Aberdeen University Press. 1910. (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) RENDALL. Ted. S., Fire in the Church. Chicago. Moody Press. 1974. "REVIVAL The." A Weekly Summary of Events Connected with the Present Revival of Religion. London. Morgan and Chase. Volume One. July 30, 1859 to December 31, 1859. Issues 1 - 23. Volume Two. January 7, 1860 to June 3, 1860. Issues 24 - 49 (excl 45). Photocopy of bound volumes in the Evangelical Library, London. RICE. John R., The High Cost of Revival. Tennessee. Sword of the Lord Publishers. 1946. RICHARDSON. DON., Eternity in Their Hearts. Startling evidence of belief in the one true God in hundreds of cultures throughout the world. Ventura, Cal. Regal Books. 1981. Revised 1984. RIDLEY. Jasper., John Knox. Oxford University Press. 1968. RIDOLFI. Roberto., The Life of Girolamo Savonarola. London. Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1959. First published in Italy in 1952. RISS. Richard M., A Survey of 20th Century Revival Movements in North America. Peabody, Mass. Hendrickson Publishers. 1988. ROACH. John., Social Reform in England. 1780 - 1880. London. Batsford. 1978. ROBE. James., and others., A Faithful Narrative of the Extraordinary Work of the Spirit of God at Cambuslang, Kilsyth, etc., begun 1742. Glasgow. David Niven. 1790. (Negative Microfilm from the National Library of Scotland.) ROBE. James., When the Wind Blows. (Reprint of the main part of Robe's "Faihful Narrative..." concerning Kilsyth in 1742. Belfast. Ambassador Publications. 1985. ROBERTS. Emry, and R. G. GRUFFYDD., Revival and its Fruits. Bridgend. Evangelical Library of Wales. 1987. 2nd edition. DITTO. Photocopy of 1981 edition from a copy owned by Richard Owen Roberts. ROBERTS. Mrs John., The Revival in the Khasia Hills. No information about the publisher. 1907. (Photocopy of the copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) ROBERTS. R. Philip., Continuity and Change. London Calvinistic Baptists and the Evangelical Revival. 1760 - 1820. Wheaton. Richard Owen Roberts. 1989. ROBERTS. Richard Owen., An Annotated Bibliography of Revival Literature. with Biographical and Historical Notices. Wheaton. Richard Owen Roberts. 1987. ROBERTS. Richard Owen., (editor) Glory Filled the Land. A trilogy on the Welsh Revival (1904-1905). Edited by Richard Owen Roberts. (Includes H. E. Lewis "With Christ Among the Miners", G. C. Morgan "This is That", and I. V. Neprash "The Spirituality of the Welsh Revivalist".) Wheaton. International Awakening Press. 1989. ROBERTS. Richard Owen., (Compiler) A Preliminary Checklist of Books and Pamphlets By and About Billy Graham and His Associates. (Compiled by Richard Owen Roberts when he was the first Director of the newly formed Billy Graham Center Library.) (360 items listed.) Wheaton. Distributed by the Compiler. No Date. (circa 1978.) ROBERTS. Richard Owen., Revival. Wheaton. Tyndale House. 1982. ROBERTS. Richard Owen., Whitefield in Print. A bibliography of Whitefield, and of everyone who was with, for, or against him. Chicago. Richard Owen Roberts. 1988. ROBERTSON. Darrell M., The Chicago Revival. 1876. Society and Revivalism in a Nineteenth Century City. Metuchen, N. J. Scarecrow Press 1989. ROBINS. Catherine Ellen., Tukutenderesa. A Study of Social Change and Sectarian Withdrawal in the Balokole Revival of Uganda. Ph.D thesis in Political Science. Columbia University. 1975. (Positive microfilm.) ROSELL. Garth M. and Richard A. G. DUPUIS. (editors.) Finney's Memoirs. The Complete Restored Edition. Annotated Critical Edition. (see under FINNEY.) ROTHERMUND. Dietmar., The Layman's Progress. Religion and Political Experience in Colonial Pennsylvania. 1740 to 1770. University of Pennsylvania Press. 1961. ROUTLEY. Eric., Hymns and Human Life. London. John Murray. 1952. RUDMAN. Arthur., The Medieval Revival. London. Charles H. Kelly. 1914. RUDOLPH. L. C., Francis Asbury. The apostle whose only home was his saddle, his parish - the continent. Nashville. Abingdon Press. 1966. RULE. Murray and Joan., Revival at Lake Kutubu. Cassette recording of an address at Maclean Uniting Church. April 2, 1978. RUPP. Gordon., Principalities and Powers. Studies in the Christian conflict in history. Nashville. Tenn. Abingdon Cokesbury Press. 1952. RUTHERFORD. Samuel., Lex Rex. (The Law and the Prince.) Harrison. Sprinkle Publications. 1982. RYLE. Bishop John Charles., Five Christian Leaders. of the Eighteenth Century. London. Banner of Truth. 1960. SAILOR. Ella., Flame of Freedom. Story of the Spiritual Stirrings in Western Canada. Regina. Canadian Revival Fellowship. 1974. ST. JOHN. Patricia., Breath of Life. The Story of the Ruanda Mission. London. Norfolk Press. 1971. SANDALL. Robert., The History of the Salvation Army. Volume One. 1865 to 1878. London. Thomas Nelson. 1947. SANGSTER. Dr. W. E., Revival. The Need and the Way. London. Epworth Press. 1957. (Westminster pamphlet No. 7.) SCHAEFFER. Francis A., A Christian Manifesto. Westchester. Crossway Books. 1981. SCHAEFFER. Francis A., How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture. Old Tappan. Fleming H. Revell. 1976. (For the Study Guide, see under Jackson.) SCHAEFFER. Franky., (five) Addicted to Mediocrity. Twentieth Century Christians and the Arts. Westchester, Ill. Crossway Books. 1981. SCHANTZ. D., Barton W. Stone. A Bright Star. 1772 - 1844. Cincinnati, Ohio. Standard Publishing Co. 1984. SCHLINK. Basilea., Realities. The Miracles of God experienced today. London. Lakeland. 1967. SCHNEIDER. Louis., and Sanford M. DORNBUSCH., Popular Religion. Inspirational Books in America. (First published 1958.) University of Chicago Press. Midway Reprint. 1973. SCRIPTURE DISTRIBUTION SOCIETY. Assorted tracts on The Great Revival in Wales, 1904 - 5. Jacksonville, Fla. Scripture Distribution Soc. No Date. Photocopy. A gift from the Evangelical Library. SELBIE. W. B., Congregationalism. London. Methuen. 1927. SELLERS. Charles Coleman., Lorenzo Dow, the Bearer of the Word. New York. Minton, Balch and Co. 1928. SEMPANGI. Kefa., Reign of Terror, Reign of Love. (Uganda under Idi Amin.) Regal Books. 1979. SEMPLE. Robert H., History of the Baptists in Virginia. Lafayette. Church History Research and Archives. 1976. First published, 1810. Revised, 1894. 3rd edition, 1972. SHAW. Naomi., Let the Hallulujahs Roll. Arkansas. New Leaf Press. 1977. SHAW. Thomas., The Bible Christians. 1815 to 1907. London. Epworth Press. 1965. SHEARER. John., Old Time Revivals. London. Pickering and Inglis. No date. SHEARER. Roy. E., Wildfire: Church Growth in Korea. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Eerdmans. 1966. SIBBETT. R. M., The Revival in Ulster. Belfast. J. W. Boyd. 1909. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) SILVER. James W., Confederate Morals and Church Propaganda. Gloucester, Mass. Peter Smith. 1964. (First published. 1957.) SIMON. John S., The Revival of Religion in England in the Eighteenth Century. 37th Fernley Lectures. London. Robert Culley. No Date. SIMONSON. Harold., Jonathan Edwards. Theologian of the Heart. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Eerdmans. 1974. SIMPSON. Alan., Puritanism in Old and New England. University of Chicago Press. 1956. SIMS. Rev. Albert., Remarkable Narratives, etc. Published by the author. Kingston. Ontario. Canada. 1896. SMART. H. T., Thomas Cook's Early Ministry. London. Charles H. Kelly. 1892. SMITH. A. C. Stanley., Road to Revival. The Story of the Ruanda Mission. London. Church Missionary Society. 1946. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) SMITH. Bertha, Go Home and Tell. A Missionary in China during and after the time of Dr. John Sung. Nashville. Broadman Press. 1965. SMITH. Gary Scott., The Seeds of Secularisation. Calvinism, Culture and Pluralism in America. 1870 - 1915. Saint Paul. Christian College Consortium. 1985. SMITH. James H., (compiler.) Our Faithful God: Answers to Prayer. London. Marshall Brothers. 1914. SMITH. Oswald J., The Consuming Fire. The Bob Jones University Lectures on Evangelism for 1953. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 1954. SMITH. Oswald J., The Enduement of Power. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1953. SMITH. Oswald J., The Passion for Souls. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1950. SMITH. Oswald J., The Revival We Need. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1933. SMITH. Oswald J., The Revival We Need. Christian Classic Series. Marshall Pickering. 1985. SMITH. Oswald J., The Work God Blesses. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1934. SMITH. Dr Timothy L., Revivalism and Social Reform. in Mid - Nineteenth Century America. Nashville. Abingdon. 1957. SMITH. Wilbur M., The Glorious Revival under King Hezekiah. Grand Rapids. Mich. Zondervan. revised edition. 1954. (1st edition. 1937.) Photocopy of a copy in Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Library, Texas. SNYDER. Howard A., The Radical John Wesley and Patterns of Church Renewal. Downers Grove. Ill. I. V. C. F. 1980. SOKOLOW. Jayne A., Revivalism and Radicalism. William Lloyd Garrison, Henry Clarke Wright and the ideology of non-resistance. Ph.D thesis in History. New York University. 1972. (Positive microfilm.) SOMERVELL. D. C., English Thought in the Nineteenth Century. New York. David McKay. 1969. (1st edition. 1929.) SONNE. Niels H., Liberal Kentucky. 1780 to 1828. Lexington. University of Kentucky Press. (Paperback.) 1968. SOUTH SEAS EVANGELICAL MISSION., Listen! Now Revival. Article in the Mission magazine "Not in Vain." No. 221. October. 1976. (based on information from several missionaries.) (Photocopy of a copy in the S.S.E.M. offices, Sydney.) SOUTHEY. Robert., The Life of John Wesley. (abridged edition.) London. Hutchinson and Co, No Date. SPAIN. Rufus B., At Ease in Zion. A Social History of Southern Baptists. 1865 to 1900. Nashville. Vanderbilt University Press. 1967. SPEER. William., The Great Revival of 1800. Philadelphia. Presbyterian Board of Publications. 1872. (Photocopy of a bound xerox copy in Fuller Theological Seminary Library. Xerox University Microfilms. 1976.) SPRAGUE. William B., Lectures on Revivals of Religion. London. Banner of Truth. 1959. (First published, 1832.) SPRAGUE. William B., The Life and Sermons of Edward D. Griffin. Two volumes. Reprint of 1839 edition. London. Banner of Truth. 1987. SPRAGUE. William B., Memoir of Rev. Edward D. Griffin. Compiled chiefly from his own writings. New York. Taylor and Dodd. 1839. (Negative microfilm. Library of Congress.) SPRAGUE. William B., Religious Ultraism. A Sermon. Albany, New York. Printed by Packard and van Benthuysen. 1835. (Negative microfilm from the British Library.) SPURGEON. Charles H., Revival Sermons. Kelvedon edition. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1958. SPURGEON. Charles H., The Story of God's Mighty Acts. A sermon preached 17th July, 1859. London. Evangelical Press. STANLEY. Brian., The Bible and the Flag. Protestant Missions and British Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Leicester. Appollos (I.V.P.) 1990. STARK. Rodney, and Charles Y. GLUCK., American Piety. the Nature of Religious Commitment. Berkeley. University of California Press. 1969. STEAD. W. T., and G. Campbell MORGAN., The Welsh Revival. Boston. Pilgrim Press. 1905. (Photocopy of a copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) STEARNS. Monroe., The Great Awakening. 1720 to 1760. Religious Revival Rouses American' Sense of Individual Liberties. New York. F. Watts. 1970. STEINKAMP. Orrel N., The Holy Spirit in Viet Nam. Coral Stream. Creation House. 1973. STEVENS. Abel., A Compendious History of American Methodism. (an abridgement of his "History of the M. E. Church.") New York. Eaton and Mains. No Date. STEVENS. Paul D., Evangelical Awakenings in the Soviet Union. 1917 to 1929. Printed paper from the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr. STEWART. Rev. Andrew., The History of the Church in Ireland since the Scots were Naturalised. (A fragment included at the end of Adair's "True Narrative", and containing an eye-witness account of the 1625 Irish Revival.) Belfast. C. Aitchison. 1866. STEWART. Gordon, and George RAWLYK. A People Highly Favoured of God. The Nova Scotia Yankees and the American Revolution. Hamden, Conn. Archon Books of the Shoe String Press. 1972. STEWART. James A., Evangelism. Swengel, Pa. Bible Truth Depot. 1960. STEWART. James A., The Invasion of Wales by the Spirit through Evan Roberts. Fort Washington. Christian Literature Crusade. 1963. STEWART. James A., Opened Windows. The Church and Revival. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1958. STEWART. Ruth., James Stewart: Missionary. Asheville. Gospel Projects Inc. 1977. STOEFFLER. F. Ernest., Continental Pietism and Early American Christianity. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Eerdmans. 1976. STOKES. Bob., Repentance, Revival and the Holy Spirit, A compilation of three books of radio talks. Chicago. Moody Press. 1975. STOUT. Harry S., The Divine Dramatist. George Whitefield and the Rise of Modern Evangelicalism. Library of Religious Biography. Grand Rapids. Eerdmans. 1991. STOUT. Harry S., The New England Soul. Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England. (First Published, 1986.) New York. Oxford University Press. Paperback ed. 1988. STOWE. Lyman Beecher., Saints, Sinners and Beechers. Biographies of Lyman Beecher, his father, and all his children. New York. Blue Ribbon Books. 1934. STRACHAN. George., Revival in the Solomon Islands. Cassette of an address at a missionary meeting, 28th May. 1976. STRACHAN. George., Revival - Its Blessings and Battles. An Account of Experiences in the Solomon Islands. South Seas Evangelical Mission. 1984. STRACHAN. George., Revival - Its Blessings and Battles. An Account of Experiences in the Solomon Islands. Revised Edition. Laurieton. South Seas Evangelical Mission. 1989. STRACHAN. James., The Marechale. Minneapolis. Bethany Fellowship. No Date. STRICKLAND. Arthur B., The Great American Revival. A case study in historical evangelism with implications for today. Cincinnati. Standard Press. 1934. (Photocopy of a copy in the Fuller Seminary Library.) STROUT. Cushing., The New Heavens and New Earth. Political Religion in America. New York. Harper Torchbooks. 1974. SUNDAY. Billy., The Best of Billy Sunday. (sermons.) Murfreesboro. Sword of the Lord Publishers. 1965. SUTERA Rev. Lou., The Prayer of Faith. (sermon.) Regina. Canadian Revival Fellowship. 1973. (cassette.) SUTERA. Rev. Lou., Prepared Vessels for God, (sermon.) Regina. Canadian Revival Fellowship. 1973. (cassette.) SUTERA. Rev. Ralph., The Story of the Canadian Revival. Regina. Canadian Revival Fellowship. 1973. (cassette.) SWAAN. William., Sunrise in Indonesia. Saskatoon. Western Tract Society. No Date. SWEET. William Warren., Methodism in American History. Nashville. Abingdon Press. 1961. Revised and enlarged. SWEET. William Warren., Religion in Colonial America. N.Y. Cooper Square Publ. Inc. 1965. (first ed. 1942.) SWEET. William Warren., Religion in the Development of American Culture. 1765 to 1840. New York. Charles Scribners. 1952. SWEET. William Warren., Religion on the American Frontier. 1783 to 1850. Volume Three. The Congregationalists. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1959. SWEET. William Warren., Religion on the American Frontier. 1783 to 1840. Volume Two. The Presbyterians. New York. Harpers. 1936. SWEET. William Warren., Revivalism in America. Its origin, growth and decline. (First published, 1944.) Gloucester, Mass. Peter Smith. 1965. SWEET. William Warren., The Story of Religion in America. New York. Harper and Row. 1950. Revised edition. SWETE. H. B., The Holy Spirit in the New Testament. A Study of Primitive Christian Teaching. London. MacMillan and Co. 1910. (First ed. 1909.) SWETE. H. B. The Holy Spirit in the Ancient Church. A Study of Christian Teaching in the Age of the Fathers. London. MacMillan and Co. 1912. SYNAN. Vinson., The Holiness - Pentecostal Movement in the United States. Grand Rapids. Michigan. Eerdmans. 1971. TANK. Vernon., Great Awakening in Hawaii. Class paper from the files of Dr. J. Edwin Orr. 1968. TARI. Mel., Like a Mighty Wind. Coral Stream. Creation House. 1971. TARI. Mel and Noni., The Gentle Breeze of Jesus. Green Forest, AR. New Leaf Press. 1978. TARR. Charles R., Revival in Anderson, Indiana. Reel tape of an edited recording of meetings in the Church of God, Anderson, following the visit of a team from Asbury College, February, 1970. TARR. Charles R., A New Wind Blowing. Anderson, Indiana. Warner Press. 1972. (Photocopy of a copy owned by Richard Owen Roberts.) TAYLOR. Mrs Howard., Behind the Ranges. Fraser of Lisuland. London. China Inland Mission. 1944. TAYLOR. Rev. William (of California)., California Life Illustrated, Sidelights of California life at that time. New York. Published by the Author. 1858. (24th thousand.) TAYLOR. Rev. William., Christian Adventures in South Africa. New York. Phillips and Hunt 1881. TAYLOR. Rev. William., (of the California Conference.) The Model Preacher. A series of letters illustrating the best way of preaching the Gospel. Cincinnati. Published for the author by Poe and Hitchcock. 1861. TAYLOR. Rev. William., Seven Years Street Preaching in San Francisco, California. New York. Published for the author by Carlton and Porter. 1856. TAYLOR. Rev. William., Bishop of Africa. Story of My Life. New York. Eaton and Mains. 1896. TAYLOR. Rev. William G., Life Story of an Australian Evangelist. London. Epworth Press. 1921. (3rd Printing.) TEWKESBURY. Donald G., The Founding of American Colleges and Universities before the Civil War. Arno Press and the New York Times. 1969. THOMAS. George M., Revivalism and Cultural Change. Christianity, Nation Building, and the Market in the Nineteenth Century United States. University of Chicago Press. 1989. THOMAS. Gilbert., William Cowper and the Eighteenth Century. London. George Allen and Unwin. Second revised edition. 1955. (A printing mistake appears in the book regarding the date) . THOMPSON. Elder Wilson, Autobiography. His life, travels and ministerial labours. Springfield, Ohio. Aleshire and Bradley. 1962. THORNBURY. J. F., God Sent Revival. The Story of Asahel Nettleton and the Second Great Awakening. Walwyn. Evangelical Press. 1977. THRIFT. Minton., Memoir of the Rev. Jesse Lee. with extracts from his Journal. Reprint of the 1823 edition. New York. Arno Press. 1969. TODD. Margo., Christian Humanism and the Puritan Social Order. New York. Cambridge University Press. 1987. TOLLES. Frederick B., Meeting House and Counting House. The Quaker Merchants of Colonial Philadelphia. 1682 - 1763. New York. W. W. Norton. 1963. (first publ. 1948.) TORREY. Dr. Reuben A., How to Pray. Chicago. Moody Press. No Date. (Colportage Library.) TOWNSEND. L. T., The Supernatural Factor in Religious Revivals. Boston. Lee and Shepard. 1877. TOYE. J., Brief Memorial of the Late Rev. Thomas Toye, Belfast. by his widow. Belfast.(etc.) S. E. M'Cormick. 1873. TOZER. A. W., The Best of A. W. Tozer. (edited by Warren W. Wiersbe.) Grand Rapids, Michigan. Baker Book House. 1978. TRACY. Joseph., The Great Awakening. New York. Arno Press and the New York Times. 1969. (Reprinted from a Tappan edition of 1845.) TRINTERUD. Leonard J., The Forming of an American Tradition. A Re- examination of Colonial Presbyterianism. (First publ. 1949. Freeport, New York. Books for Libraries Press. 1978. TUVESON. Ernest L., Millenium and Utopia. A Study in the Background of the Idea of Progress. New York. Harper Torchbooks. 1964. (first publ. 1949.) TUVESON. Ernest L., Redeemer Nation. The Idea of America's Millenial Role. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1968. TYERMAN. Luke., The Life and Times of George Whitefield, Volume one only. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1876. TYERMAN. Luke., The Life and Times of Rev. John Wesley. Three volumes. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1870. TYLER. Bennet., (ed.) Remains of the Late Rev. Asahel Nettleton. D.D. Sermons, outlines, plans for sermons, etc. Edinburgh. Ogle, Murray, and Oliver and Boyd. 1868. (Photocopy of a copy owned by Richard Owen Roberts.) TYLER. Bennet., The Life and Labours of Asahel Nettleton. remodelled in parts by Andrew Bonar. (First published, 1854.) London. Banner of Truth. 1975. TYLER. Bennet., New England Revivals. Wheaton. Richard Owen Roberts. 1980. (Reprint of 1846 ed.) TYLER. Bennet., New England Revivals. Boston. Massachussets Sabbath School Society. 1846. (Negative microfilm from the Library of Congress.) Van RHEENEN. Gallyn., Church Planting in Uganda. Pasadena. William Carey Library. 1976. VASSAR. Rev. T. E., Uncle John Vassar. or, the Fight of Faith. The Lord's Shepherd Dog. Three Hills, Alberta. Prairie Press. 1964. VEDDER. Henry C., A Short History of the Baptists. Philadelphia. American Baptist Publication Society. 1907. VOKE. Stanley., Way of Renewal. Studies in Isaiah. London. Christian Literature Crusade. 1976. WADDY. E., The Father of Methodism. London. Wesleyan Conference Office. No Date. (prior to 1873.) WALKER. Rev. Alan., Breakthrough. Rediscovering the Holy Spirit. London. William Collins. (Fontana.) 1969. WALKER. Rev. Sir Alan., Heritage Without End. A Story to Tell to the Nation. (Written for the Mission to the Nation.) Melbourne. Australian Methodist General Conference. 1953. WALLACE. Paul., The Muhlenbergs of Pennsylvania. New York. Books for Libraries. 1970. (Reprint of 1950.) WALLIS. Arthur., In the Day of Thy Power. The Scriptural Principles of Revival. London. Christian Literature Crusade. 1956. WALLIS. Arthur., Rain From Heaven. Revival in Scripture and History. London. Hodder and Stoughton, and Christian Literature Crusade. 1979. WALZER. William., Charles G. Finney and the Presbyterian Revivals of Central and Western New York. Ph.D. thesis. Microfilm. University of Chicago Library. 1944. WARREN. Bishop. Max. A. C., Revival - an Enquiry. London. S.C.M. Press. 1954. (Photocopy of a copy in Moore College Library.) WASSON. A. W., Church Growth in Korea. New York. International Missionary Council. 1934. (Photocopy of the copy in the Billy Graham Center Library.) WATSFORD. Rev. John, Glorious Gospel Triumphs. as seen in my life and work in Fiji and Australia. London. Charles H. Kelley. 1900. (Photocopy of the copy in the State Library of N.S.W.) WATT. Eva Stuart., Dynamite in Europe. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1940. WATT. Eva Stuart., Floods on Dry Ground. (Congo.) London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1939. WATT. Eva Stuart., The Quest for Souls in Qua Iboe. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 1951. WEARMOUTH. Robert F., Methodism and the Working - Class Movements of England. 1800 to 1850. London. Epworth Press. 1947. (autographed.) WEBSTER. Bessie., Not by Might Nor by Power. London. China Inland Mission. 1928. WEBSTER. Rev. James., The Revival in Manchuria. London. Morgan and Scott. 1910. (Photocopy of a copy in the Evangelical Library, London.) WEDDLE. David., The Law as Gospel. Revival and Reform in the theology of Charles G. Finney. New Jersey. Scarecrow Press. 1985. WEEKS. William R., The Pilgrim's Progress in the Nineteenth Century. New York. Dodd. 1848. (Partial photocopy of pages 200 - 409, chapters 27 - 5. made from a copy owned by Richard Owen Roberts.) WEIR. Rev. John., Heaven Came Down, The 1859 Irish Revival. Belfast. Ambassador Productions. 1987. (Reprint of the first edition of 1860.) WEISBERGER. Bernard A., They Gathered at the River. The Story of the Great Revivalists and their Impact upon Religion in America. Boston. Little Brown and Co. First ed. 1958. WEISBERGER. Bernard A., They Gathered at the River. The Story of the Great Revivalists and their Impact upon Religion in America. Chicago. Quadrangle Paperbacks. 1966. WELBOURN. F. B., East African Christian. London. Oxford University Press. 1965. (Partial photocopy of a copy in Moore College Library.) WESLEY. Rev. John., Journal. (abridged by Nehemiah Curnock.) London. Epworth Press. 1958. WESLEY. Rev. John, Notes on the New Testament. London. Mason. 1842. WESLEY. Rev. John., A Plain Account of Christian Perfection. No publishing details. WESLEY. Rev. John., Sermons. Two volumes. London. Wesleyan Methodist Bookroom. No Date. WESTERKAMP. Marilyn J., Triumph of the Laity. Scots-Irish Piety and the Great Awakening. 1625 - 1760. New York. Oxford University Press. 1988. WHITE. John., When the Spirit Comes in Power. Signs and Wonders amongst God's People. Hodder and Stoughton. 1989. WHITEFIELD. Rev. George., Letters. 1734 to 1742. Facsimile of Vol. 1. of 1771, with supplements. London. Banner of Truth. 1976. WHITEFIELD. Rev. George., George Whitefield's Journals. A new edition containing fuller material than any hitherto published. London. Banner of Truth. 1960. WHITEFIELD. Rev. George., Select Sermons of George Whitefield. with an account of his life, by J. C. Ryle. London. Banner of Truth Trust. 1958. WHITEFIELD. Rev. George., Whitefield's Sermon Outlines. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Eerdmans. 1956. WHITTAKER. Colin C., Great Revivals. Sprngfield, Missouri. Gospel Publ. House. (Radiant Books.) 1984. WHITTAKER. Colin C., Great Revivals. (Second Edition.) London. Collins, Marshall, Pickering. 1990. WHITTAKER. Colin C., Korea Miracle. The Extraordinary Story of Yonggi Cho and the Korean Revival. Eastbourne. Kingsway Publ. 1988. WHITTAKER. Colin C., Seven Great Prayer Warriors. Springfield, Missouri. Gospel Publishing House. 1987. WHITTAKER. Colin C., Seven Pentecostal Leaders. Springfield, Missouri. Gospel Publishing House. 1983.CC WICKES. M. J. L., The Westcountry Preachers. A History of the Bible Christians. 1815 - 1907. Bideford, Devon. Published by the Author. 1987. WIGHT. Fred. H., If My People. Repentance and Revival. Butler, Indiana. Higley Press. 1959. WILKINSON. John T., William Clowes. 1780 to 1851. London. Epworth Press. 1951. WILLEMS. Emilio., Followers of the New Faith. Culture change and the Rise of Protestantism in Brazil and Chile. Nashville. Vanderbilt University Press. 1967. WILLIAMS. Howell., The Romance of the Forward Movement. of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. Cardiff. 1946. Published by the author. WILLIAMS. William, The Experience Meeting. Welsh Societies of the Evangelical Awakening. London. Evangelical Press. 1973. WILLIAMS. Rev. William., (of Swansea.) Welsh Calvinistic Methodism. An Historical Sketch of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. London. Presbyterian Church of England. 1884. Second edition, enlarged. (Photocopy of a copy in the Uniting Church Archives, Sydney.) WILLIAMSON. David., (editor.) A Great Revival. The Story of Dr. R. A. Torrey and Charles Alexander. (mainly Australia and New Zealand.) London. Morgan and Scott. 1903. (Photocopy.) WILLIS. Avery T., Indonesian Revival. Why two million came to Christ. Pasadena. William Carey Library. 1977. WILLMOTT. H. M., The Doors Were Opened. The remarkable advance of the gospel in Ethiopia. London. Sudan Interior Mission. No Date. WINSLOW. Octavius., Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul. London. Banner of Truth. No Date. (First published, 1841.) WINSLOW. Ola E., John Eliot. Apostle to the Indians. Boston. Houghton, Mifflin and Co. 1968. WINSLOW. Ola E., Jonathan Edwards. A Biograohy. New York. Octagon Books. 1973. (First published, 1940.) WINSLOW. Ola E., Meetinghouse Hill. 1630 - 1783. New York. Macmillan. 1952. WINTER. Ralph D., The Twenty - Five Unbelievable Years. 1945 to 1969. Pasadena. William Carey Library. 1970. WIRT. Sherwood E., Afterglow. (Canadian Revival.) Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. 1976. A Witness and a Minister. The Journal of the South Wales Bible Training Institute. Volume II No. 8. April, 1936. (Includes photo of the late Rev R. B. Jones on the cover.) WOOD. Dr. A. Harold., Overseas Missions of the Australian Methodist Church. Volume Two. Fiji. Melbourne. Aldersgate Press. 1978. WOOD. Dr. A. Harold., Overseas Missions of the Australian Methodist Church. Volume One Tonga and Samoa. Melbourne. Aldersgate Press. 1975. WOOD. A. H. and Margaret REESON., A Bridge is Built. A story of the United Church in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Sydney. Uniting Church Commission for Mission. 1987. WOODWARD. David B., Aflame for God. Biography of Fredrik Franson. Chicago. Moody Press. 1966. WOODWARD. William W., Surprising Accounts of the Revival of Religion in the U.S.A., and in different parts of the world, and among different denominations of Christians, with a number of interesting occurrences on Divine providence. Printed and published by the author. 1802. (Negative microfilm from the Library of Congress.) WOOLSEY. Andrew., Duncan Campbell. A Biography. London. Hodder and Stoughton. 1974. WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL PRAYER MOVEMENT., Calling to Remembrance. London. Marshall, Morgan and Scott. No Date. WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL PRAYER MOVEMENT., The Half Can Never Be Told. London. Marshall Brothers. 1927. WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL PRAYER MOVEMENT., Preparing the Way. Atlantic City. W.W.R.P.M. 1941. WRIGHT. Conrad., The Beginnings of Unitarianism in America. 1735 to 1805. The Revolt against Calvinism in 18th Century New England. Boston. Starr King Press. 1955. WRIGHT. G. F., Charles G. Finney. (American Religious Leaders series.) Boston. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1891. (Photocopy of a copy owned by Iain Murray.) WYATT - BROWN. Bertram., Lewis Tappan and the Evangelical War Against Slavery. Studies in American Negro Life. New York. Atheneum. 1971. (First published 1969, Case Western.) YALE. Rev. Cyrus., The Godly Pastor. The Life of the Rev. Jeremiah Hallock, and a sketch of the life of Rev. Moses Hallock. Boston. American Tract Society. 1854. YOUNG. David., The Origin and History of Methodism in Wales and the Borders. (Wesleyan.) London. Charles H. Kelley. 1893. YOUNG. Edwin., (editor.), Wonderful Jesus. and other songs used in the Gypsy Smith meetings in Australia. London. Epworth Press. No Date. YOUNG. James., The Life of John Welsh, Minister of Ayr. Edinburgh. John Maclaren. 1866. (Negative microfilm from the National Library of Scotland.) * * * * *